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Zhiv last won the day on May 31 2023

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About Zhiv

  • Birthday 03/08/1972

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  • Interests
    Flex3, AS3, FMS, PHP, HTML, C++, MySQL, XNA, C#, F#, Minecraft, MW3, and Space Engineers

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  1. How many years has it been? Quite a few. I know we don't run in the same circles anymore, but y'all are still family to me. And you know who I'm pointing at when I say that.
  2. I love it. ? Put a smile on my furry face!
  3. I knew there was something else I was forgetting in September. Woohoo! SancT day! (only a week late ?)
  4. Yup. Shaw said I should stop by and post an *update* post of sorts. So I'm still(?) driving big trucks, however now I'm driving dump trucks for an outfit called "Military and Federal Trucking". We do mostly civil and military haulage projects (stone, sand, contaminated soil removal). I do it because I've been treated alright so far and it's a more laid-back work place than 99% of the places I've worked at before. I don't have to compete to be promoted because all of us are paid the same across the board. No one is paid more or less for seniority levels. The only perk with seniority is that every Christmas, we get a $100 bonus times the number of years served with the company, so a nice perk! In my personal life, I'm now a home owner (of sorts). I say of sorts, because I don't pay extra for the trailer I live in, only pay for the lot rent at this point. But I don't have a title for this home because the property owner lost is somewhere and honestly, at this point, it's probably a good thing. But I'm free to explore upgrades and modifications how I see fit, so a plus! Mom's about the same. Her health fluctuates up and down, so on average she's not better or worse. I'm there if she needs me, but I'm not invasive or intrusive at this point. Same with my aunt, who also lives down here in NC with us. Don't have much time for gaming as of late, but still have my Star Citizen account, and I'll soon be upgrading my pc again so I can play it better (I hope). Seems my 1660 TI doesn't have the brass to run it over 15fps, when it has no issues with other games. Though I haven't tried lately. It runs Elite Dangerous just fine tho. I can usually get 40+ fps at 4k on most games, which is sufficient to me. I think about y'all often, and often regale of past experiences with my co-workers and such. They don't mind me geeking out and such over computer games. So hope everyone is well. I know I've been a ghost lately, but honestly, now that my life is coming back around I look forward to reconnecting to everyone. I'll drop into mumble some day and have a chat, but right now, need to get back to house cleaning. I don't have many days off work, so when I do, they're spent doing chores. I love rain and hate it at the same time.
  5. Ok, so as most of you know, I have a lump on the side of my face that is the size of a golf ball. Well I have a surgery for it scheduled for January 12th 2018 at UNC Hospital in Chapel Hill NC. It should be a semi-simple procedure, and there will be some mass loss, so when they stitch me back up, there will be a noticeable divot in the side of my face. I can choose to have them fill it in, and I may still do that. I'm not going to worry about the cost right now. I'm going to worry about it coming out. The procedure shouldn't take more than 3-4 hours, and they'll keep me overnight to recover and observe. I may try to get them to let me live stream the operation (I'm sure they won't). I may even just have someone record it on my phone or something. The procedure involves making an incision from the base of my left ear to the jaw line in a counter-clockwise direction. They then fold back the skin to expose the tumorous parotid glad. They then have to trace the facial nerve that is involved and then remove the mass in whole. I'll admit, I'm very bad about taking care of my health. But this is something that EVERYONE has been urging me to do, and I thank you all for doing so. So this is the update to the update to the update about the status of my unborn alien child. More to come soon!
  6. Static. No seriously. I haven't listened to any real music since Sunday at church...
  7. Zhiv

    My Update.

    Sorry, meant to post this in the Lounge. Can you move it plz?
  8. So first thing. I've had to put off my pursuit of getting that lump on my face removed for the past few months. But it's back on, I have a surgical consult coming up in October, and after that I'm sure the surgery will be close behind it. As far as I know, during the last test, they felt it wasn't malignant (cancerous). But they'll test it again for a definitive in October. So God willing, it'll remain benign. And speaking of God, this may make some of you uneasy. But I've found Jesus. And His love and joy is helping me to make strides in the right direction as far as my career, health, and sanity goes. I'm slowly going through my facebook, twitter, and other social accounts to weed out the negative thinkers, down-right lewd, and otherwise potty-minded folks that pollute my feeds. If you are on my friends list, and you haven't been removed as of the past two weeks, good on you! For the record, no one from SancT was on the cut list. I hold each and everyone of you in the highest regard as friends and the select few, as family. In my career, if you can call it that, I've taken to driving a dump truck 5 days a week. It pays well, and I can get between 35-50 hours a week. So as such, my days are sleep, eat, shower, repeat (for the most part). This is only a stop-gap until I can get my own business off the ground. I have two ideas rattling around in my head. One is to open a tow truck business (let's face it, 15 years of experience is a good thing). The other is a computer repair/building business. Depends on how I want to go with it. I believe it to be God's will that I do the tow truck thing, as he has provided me with ample feedback on that front. My phone hasn't stopped ringing for the past two weeks from folks looking for a tow. And lastly, as of late, the amount of time I actually spend playing games on my computer has been so low. But that's mostly because of being dead tired each day, and being dead busy with other stuff on the weekends. But I haven't forgotten you all, and I miss everyone. I'll stop in from time to time, and maybe even pop into VoIP as well. See y'all out there.
  9. Derp. Forgot it was Saturday. Oh well, I can stream tomorrow.
  10. Here's my (tentative) schedule for streaming. Subject to changes. Be sure to follow my social media for updates/changes. Saturday 4pm-8pm Sunday's 3-8pm Games: S.O.S. (I have an alpha trial) APB:Reloaded Minecraft (modded) American Truck Simulator European Truck Simulator Squadd.io (browser game) And others. Seems that Sunday's are the only days I can do it right now since I have to be available the other days. Twitter: https://twitter.com/zhivotnoya Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SasquatchTrucker/?pnref=lhc (I might create a more game geared FB page, dunno yet) Well, signing off for now. Gotta be up at 5:30am. Got stuff to do tomorrow.
  11. The ringing in my ears. No really. When it's super quiet, the intensity of my tinnitus makes itself known. When I'm not listening to the ringing, usually something along these lines:
  12. Got Internet back on at my house. My Unemployment went thru so after bills are taken care of, I'll check in from time to time on Mumble.
  13. Nope. Just don't have Internet at the house at the moment. I'm actually using my mom's Internet at her house on her computer. I should be back online soonish tho, and I will stop by Mumble when I do (assuming anyone is actually online). See ya then!
  14. Ok, as some of you know, I have a fibrous tumor on my left jaw bone. I've had it now for 6 years or so, and I've been told it's benign (not bad). Well, at the urging of many of my friends here, as well as my family, I started the process of doctor's visits and what-not's to have it removed, almost 6 months ago. I'm nearing the end of that journey, as I have a meeting with the doctors up at the University of North Carolina Medical Center next week to discuss the surgery. Here's what I know right now. The mass is part of the parotid gland (salivary if you will). They're not uncommon to have, and most folks are smart enough to have them dealt with when they are small. However, mine has been growing for a while, so I will have a few more complications to having it removed. The first, and most important, is that the facial nerve intersects with the tumor. So that's going to make a lengthy and delicate procedure so that I don't loose use of that nerve. Secondly, the tumor has to be removed as it is starting to cause me great pain and migraines. And lastly, believe it or not, the tumor has actually started to have me denied jobs because of it. I wanted to let everyone know what is going on, since I've been a ghost for the past few months. Between finding another job, then getting it and losing it a week later due to negligence, my luck and mental health haven't been great lately. When I find out more, I'll let you know. Now I have to find someway to pay the bills for the surgery. Ugh.
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