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Everything posted by nola

  1. Here is a few pics of my daughter Lana. Ignore me in the pictures I was pretty beat up after all I went through hehe. The one picture is my Father holding Lana and the German Shephard is my puppy Toby :)
  2. OMG!!! What happened to Wanderhome? Is the game this bad that everyone hates each other? Lol! As I said before, congrats Astrus but /scold :D Baby is doing wondeful!!! She came 4 weeks early but was healthy as can be. I had a really bad pregnancy. Placenta previa forced me to be on bed rest for 3 months. Obviously couldnt go to work so had to go on disability. Was in and out of the Hospital for those three months and then I get hit with a kidney stone to top it all off. As bad as it was i have a healthy baby girl and thats all that matters. Still trying to deal with this postpartum depression which is really rough /cry. Been reading a lot about it and it seems quite common but I just want it to go away. Just feel so bad for my hubby who has been SO WONDERFUL through this whole thing. He took care of me when I was on bed rest and couldn't be happier with his little girl :D Well enough of my problems hehe. Just thought i would stop in and say Hi once again and let everyone know why I vanished. I will post pics as soon as I can. Hope everyone is doing well.
  3. Baby is due in mid september :)
  4. Just wanted to say Hi and see how everyone is doing. Just finished going through a move /sigh. Been so busy trying to get ready for this baby lol. I can't wait. I hope all is well and hope Sanct is doing great.
  5. nola


    Thanks so much everyone. I'm so excited!!! Yes, that is fine shaw. You can just empty everything if you would like. Or feel free to use whatever is in there already. See ya all soon.
  6. nola


    Its been so crazy right now in RL. I have been so busy with work and oh yeah, Im pregnant :D Feel free to do whatever you need in the mall. I think a few of you are on the admin to move things around. As for the decorations if someone can just store what they dont use in their house I will pick it up as soon as I get back in game which will hopefully be soon. See you all soon.
  7. Yay! welcome back squirel. Count me in on those Sher-Kar and HK-47 runs. Just let me know when :D
  8. Wow! you can start your own city with all of that lol. :D
  9. Just wanted to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday. Im off to Arizona tomorrow to spend the holidays with my inlaws. I wont be in-game but will still be on the forums from time to time. Can't wait to see you all in-game again. :)
  10. Well i just cant seem to stay away from this game. I dont like the new system but I miss everyone so I'm back. I also have been getting into debates on the forums for no reason what so ever so now I want to learn this new system and go beat down some of these imps lol. Wish I didnt grow up with all brothers :( . Im acting just like them lol! Cya all in-game yay!!!
  11. Hello Yva! :) How are ya? Awe, I miss ya Yva :upset: Grrrr!!!!! SOE!!! :cussing:
  12. Lol Shaw! If he does anything to mess anything up there will be nothing left of him to eat after I get through with him hehe. I just hope they do something with crafting so there can actually be a mall.
  13. Hey SancT!!! Long time no chat hehe. As many of you know I have just about given up on SWG for the time being. Hopefully things get better. Im gonna take a break for a few months and see what happens. My husband and I are playing COV/COH on the Virtue server. Seems pretty fun for now. Just wanted to let you all know that if you see natania/nola-/thummp/heeroh online it will not be me. It will be a friend of my husbands who is gonna give the NGE a shot. He is a great guy and Im sure he will get along with all of you just fine. IF NOT HE WILL HAVE TO DEAL WITH ME!!! LOL. Not sure how long he will last as he is used to the old system, pre CU lol. Well hopefully things change for the better and I can get motivated to play again. I miss everyone so much :( See ya all soon.
  14. I agree 100% Astrus. I just can't see myself playing this new game. I feel so cheated by SOE its amazing.
  15. Well maybe i'll stick around with thummp to give the NGE a try. Who knows? Guess it will come down to how I feel about it in a few weeks.
  16. I'm not too good with goodbyes so I will make this short and sweet. I am cancelling my accounts for sure this time. This is definitely not the same game or even close to it that I bought 2 years ago. I kept hope for all this time that they would do the right thing and make things better. Sadly they did the exact opposite. I am not willing to learn a whole new game this time. If I wanted that I would go out and buy another type of game. Its just plain sickening. I'm sick of all the lies and deception from SOE. They obviously lack any type of business ethics and completely have screwed there customer base. Well, im sure they will pay the consequences in the long run and I will be laughing at them when they do. Lol! Well anyway I just want to thank everyone here in sanct for all the memories I have from the time I moved over to Wanderhome. This is without a doubt the best guild I have ever been in. I REALLY MEAN THAT!!! I'm sure I will be talking to many of you in-game for the next week or two as my Thummp account does not end until the end of month. I'm gonna try and have the most fun I can in that short period of time :). Definitely a sad day for me as I never really could bring myself to quit this game. It is my first online game I have ever played and I became addicted to it hehe. Gonna miss all of you, thats for sure. Hope to see you all in game in the remaining time I have. nola-/natania/thummp :upset:
  17. I love it on Lok. Gotta love that fancy music there hehe. Tatooine would be a close second.
  18. Ooh! can you offer them to my vendor in mall labeled crystals and holocrons. I will take them all of your hands for 150k a piece. Thx!
  19. Forgive me father for I have sinned: I killed one of those combat level 3 npc business men at the Dantooine MO. Oops!!!
  20. I will be set up from time to time in the cantina giving doctor buffs hanging out with Yva. All you have to do is invite me and the process will begin. I thought the little conversation thing was cute but can understand if it gets annoying. If so I can easily make a silent buff bot hehe. Just let me know. Enjoy!!!
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