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Everything posted by Crethip

  1. If you like wow you will really like lotro. much better and its not like playing a cartoon.
  2. LOTRO...I really wasnt supposed to say anything since its still in beta but oh well. Wont matter cause I quit today and uninstalled it from my computer. Its a great game but I found myself becoming addicted which is why I left SWG (plus the need for new content) in the first place. When it hits the shelves I would highly recommend it for anyone who is into the whole Tolkkein thing (dont know if I spelled that right).
  3. No, not 2 moons but that one looks good. The one I'm in is much more iconic than Star Wars (IMO) and is based on a Trilogy as well (hint hint). There was a series of recent movies on this one too :) LOL that should make it easy enuff
  4. Its cool that everyone is still alive. Hows SWG goin? I missed it at first but am breaking the addiction. Who knows, if they ever come out with an expansion maybe I'll be back, on one server or the other, to check it out. I was recently accepted into a beta testing for an upcoming MMO and tho I'm not supposed to say anything about it, Watch for It. You wont be disappointed. Its not Vanguard but its vanguardsy :woot:
  5. I just got back from San Antonio today. Took the family to Sea World and had an Ok time. The Riverwalk was crowded as always but ate at the Hard Rock Cafe and my son got embarassed when they got him up for his b day (10) and made him stand on the stairs while all the staff did the happy bday thing. Long drive and I'm not used to all that traffic since I'm from Oklahoma and only have 2 big cities (and nothing as big as SA) but I'm lucky I have a wife that likes to drive :)
  6. Crethip


    Right before I cancelled my account I found you can go into the faction bases and faction farm AFK. I dont remember the macro but you can time it to do an area attack, heal, and wait for respawn .... mine always needed tweaking but for the most part it worked great.....i got to col. over nite.
  7. It looks like the ape from Donkey Kong
  8. That sounded like so much trouble when they explained it I just bought a whole new system so I guess the salesman did his job right lol. I bought a Dell XPS 400 with dual core processor, 2 gig ram, 256 video card and alot of extras I'll never use. Yeah, I'm a sucker :)
  9. And it also depends on what type of computer you have. I had a Dell Dimension 3000 with a really weak vid card and wanted to upgrade it. But when I contacted Dell to find out what I had to do they told me that it was impossible to upgrade the vid card without replacing the whole motherboard. But I'm no computer guru so I don't know if they were just trying to make me buy another computer or what.
  10. Wow....korrack you are right about this being only a game. That being said I have followed your other post about finding a reason not to quit. It seems to me that this "game" is really causing you a lot of real life drama and trouble. Dont get me wrong, I was disappointed when I felt like I ran out of things to do so after alot of thought I cancelled my account. Personally it was the best thing I ever did for myself. I'm not suggesting that anyone else do that, do what makes you happy. I too enjoyed Star Wars as a kid and like every other kid wished I could be a Jedi, Stormtrooper or Han Solo, etc. I've really enjoyed my son getting into Star Wars (his first movie ever was episode 1) and both of us getting excited bout going to each new episode as they came out. As for being happy....you spent alot of time in these forums talking about how upset you were with this game and even mentioned being depressed. I realize how addictive this game is but in the end as you said "its only a game." As much as I loved playing SWG when it was time for me to end it I ended it. I guess what I'm trying to say, is if you find something in real life that is causing you so much grief (depression?) and causes so much worry maybe its time to stop it. You mentioned something bout being a christian or doing the christian thing.....doesnt the bible mention something about "if your eye is offending you then pluck it out (im not very religious so I dont know if i got that right but its more the message of it anyway)." If SWG is causing so much concern in your life then please take some advice and quit it. As far as I know you joined Sanctuary after I did or came back after I left so I dont know you in game. As far as your concern about being Imp or Rebel or whatever, hell your an adult, do what you want. I agree its your choice to play it the way you want. But one thing I do know is when I joined Sanctuary I was told to read the rules before ever being accepted. It states in those rules that you cant be imp or have imp alts....its that simple. If being Imp is what you choose to do and you enjoy the game more that way then you made the right decision. I'll stop rambling now but will end by re-iterating If SWG (or any other game for that matter) is making your real life miserable its time to grow up and find something else as a hobby. Its a game and is supposed to be fun, not cause depression, concern, etc. And Im not trying to tell you anything I didnt tell myself....While I never got depressed over it, spending every free minute playing SWG caused some problems in real life so I had to tell myself to grow up and stop putting a game before my real life issues. Sorry this went on so long but I've kept up with all the post on the other thread about giving you a reason to stay and read post after post how unhappy the game made you then read this post about your concerns over what faction you are. I happen to work a real life job where I am reminded constantly that life is short. Dont sweat the stuff that doesnt deserved being sweated :) Anyway, good luck in real life, SWG life, or whatever.
  11. I dont remember what its called but I know you start it by talking to a wookie by the great tree. You may have to finish the Trails before it lets you start it though. Its a long series of quest starting with finding the wooks son who is detained in the blackscale compound in the Ryyatt Trails. Its a tough set of missions on ground and in space. Good luck, hope this helped.
  12. As far as I know Kendu is still playing and Degan has come back. Both are prolly on Intrepid Server kendu=fish-face and fuzbacca Degan is afro-thunder and afro-lightning......we all made toons there was not much left to do on wanderhome. You can always send them a mail thru the servers or a tell by using /tell fish-face.SWG.Intrepid (message). it works for mail the same way and i was even able to add friends from wanderhome to my list on intrepid.... But heck, im prolly not telling you anything you dont alreay know :) As for Crethip/Dok prolly wont be back for awhile. After cancelling the acct I realized how much time I was spending on a game. While I realize thats important to alot of ppl I found I have seriously neglected a lot of things in my real life. I'm greatful to have met everyone and still keep up to date on the forums. Plus football season (american) is almost here and I'm actually a bigger fan of that than SWG so I will be keeping busy for the next 4 months (YEAH!!!) Go Sooners!!!! :)
  13. I know this is not star warsy or even game related but I know alot of military or ex military play this game. I have never been in the military but know as an American I owe almost all of my freedoms to the men and women who have ever served. /Salute!!! This says it all! It is the VETERAN, not the preacher, who has given us freedom of religion. It is the VETERAN, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press. It is the VETERAN, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech. It is the VETERAN, not the campus organizer, who has given us freedom to assemble. It is the VETERAN, not the lawyer, who has given us the right to a fair trial. It is the VETERAN, not the politician, Who has given us the right to vote. It is the VETERAN, who salutes the Flag, It is the veteran, who serves under the Flag, And, it's the veteran who is buried under the flag. ETERNAL REST GRANT THEM O LORD, AND LET PERPETUAL LIGHT SHINE UPON THEM. I don't know if you saw this in the news but it really impressed me. Funny, our US Senate/House took 2 days off as they couldn't work because of the expected storm. On the ABC evening news, it was reported tonight that, because of the dangers from Hurricane Isabelle approaching Washington, DC, the military members assigned the duty of guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier were given permission to suspend the assignment. They respectfully declined the offer, "No way, Sir!" Soaked to the skin, marching in the pelting rain of a tropical storm, they said that guarding the Tomb was not just an assignment, it was the highest honor that can be afforded to a serviceperson. The tomb has been patrolled continuously, 24/7, since 1930.
  14. I don't know how the whole licensing and marketing thing goes as far as Sony Online handling the online portion of Vanguard. But if you think about it the big dog will bully the little dog and eventually SOE will run Vanguard (IMO). If that holds true why would SOE even care about SWG anymore. They know its only a matter of time before the majority of players move from SWG to Vanguard (even if its only temporary to check it out) so why would they waste time developing more content until they can see first hand what the full impact of Vanguard is. Especially if they know that either way they are safe....if they control Vanguard and the mass exodus happens then they benefit from that....if Vanguard is a bust and everyone comes running back to SWG then they benefit. I dont think you will see any serious content updates for SWG until after the Sony team see's what impact Vanguard will have. And I honestly dont think that unless Vanguard fizzles out that there will be any reason to expect an expansion for SWG. I dont know how many total players there have to be for SOE to justify keeping the servers going but if Vanguard is the Uber thing its supposed to be I think we will have seen the last of SWG .... at least in its current form.
  15. Most I ever had with Crethip was around 50 million during the time Bonnie was buying up JP bases before Pub 29. I got lucky one day and found 2 bases, dropped them off at Bonnies and next time I logged in she had paid me 25 mill per. Felt really lucky....but let me tell you bout lucky....during the same time Degan looted 4 bases in 1 hour off of Yavin so Bonnie gave him a cool 100 mill. Lol he became the Bill Gates of SWG in an hour.
  16. Crethip


    You guys realize this is a game right? Supposed to be fun.
  17. Popped in to say howdy folks. Hows the war goin (GCW that is...too many RL conflicts atm to leave that question open ended :) Well, just popped in to say hi and hope everyone is doing well. Cya later guys.
  18. As of 7-1-06 I have cancelled my account. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for all the fun ive had over the last few months and thanks to letting me in the guild. I'm sure that once a new expansion comes out I'll prolly reactivate my acct and give it a try but for now I just can't keep doing the same stuff over and over. The Battle of Restuss looks somewhat interesting but it just isnt enough to really justify (to me) keeping my account open at this time. I have mastered Commando, Medic, Jedi (Wanderhome) and a BH and Armorsmith (Intrepid). If I do the Legacy quest one more time I would have to /scream!!!! lol... Well, everyone, I will miss ya'll for now but who knows, maybe one day they will finally give us an expansion and we'll meet again. And if they don't, there's always a chance meeting in Vanguard (I will keep looking at the forums to see what everyone's plans are in reference to that). Good luck in the GCW. Hopefully though, the next time I log in we can race sleds on Hoth :). Take care and to all good luck and best wishes in game and in RL! Crethip (Commando, Jedi) DokMcCoy (well, Medic lol)
  19. recently me, degan and sneeky created toons on Intrepid server and have been leveling them up.. about a week ago degan quit signing on and I have tried to send him email but it was returned undeliverable. Sneek and I were also concerned cause he was like a full time resident of SWG
  20. agrees....must be having a problem getting it worked out.
  21. Yeah, just watch Crocodile Dundee and see how big Aussie Crocs are. "you call that a knife? That aint a knife, THIS is a knife"
  22. Wow, this comes a total surprise bro. I understand that RL comes first and you need to do whatever you must to make it come first. You being in the game has been a blast for me and one of the reasons I stay as well. You will always be part of Tres Amigos and will find your still an admin in every house I have once you come back! Good luck, take care of what you need to and get your arse back!!!!
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