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Collection of Info for CU2


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Got this from the TCON forum:


Anti Decay Kits


With the removal of item damage and decay, the “Anti-decay kit” veteran reward is not as useful as it once was. Rather than deleting these items or leaving them with a useless ability, they are being changed into a new rare useful item: the Profession Restart Kit.




well i see how this will become usefull when the nerfs hit, /sigh though i dont think ill need it

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So far, many players have had great things to say about the new game enhancements in the newly designed first 10 levels and we anticipate this trend of positive feedback to continue with the addition of the existing game world content. Be sure to check it out and let us know what you think on our TC-Conversion Forum


When I read this last night, I actually shut down my computer and went to bed...I could not believe it. :cussing:

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well i see how this will become usefull when the nerfs hit, /sigh though i dont think ill need it




All this is is another band-aid to "fix" a probem instead of actually fixing the problem. Here we have 2 problems. First, the anti decay kit. How can they take something so usefull and so valuable, and still make it usefull and valuable in the new system? Second, the fact that we are in uproar about deleting our toons just to try a new profession. Hey! Bright idea! Lets mash them together and make another bad mistake! :cussing: :cussing: :cussing:

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  • Executive
So far, many players have had great things to say about the new game enhancements in the newly designed first 10 levels and we anticipate this trend of positive feedback to continue with the addition of the existing game world content. Be sure to check it out and let us know what you think on our TC-Conversion Forum


When I read this last night, I actually shut down my computer and went to bed...I could not believe it. :cussing:



well i see how this will become usefull when the nerfs hit, /sigh though i dont think ill need it

All this is is another band-aid to "fix" a probem instead of actually fixing the problem.  Here we have 2 problems. First, the anti decay kit.  How can they take something so usefull and so valuable, and still make it usefull and valuable in the new system?  Second, the fact that we are in uproar about deleting our toons just to try a new profession.  Hey! Bright idea!  Lets mash them together and make another bad mistake! :cussing:  :cussing:  :cussing:



I hear yah Vib.. *sigh* and I agree with yah.

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VIDEO: NGE in action w/ level 80's *brace yourself*


Added the above to Vibe's info....


Also check this out..... its the guy who made the video's thoughts and opinion....heres an excerpt below.


"Basically my opinion of the NGE UP TO this point, was positive. I honestly though it would better the game and better PvP.


Now that i've played with my existing characters, the cu is complete and utter garbage. Words do not describe how lame SOE has made this game."

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after reading about the "CU2" and jumping to many conclusions, i came to what i think is the answer. Good old George Lucas wants SWG to be the flagship for SW games. I remember reading that on a reliable website (gamespot review maybe). And for that to happen, the game must become more mainstream, and the only way to do that is to strip away many of the mmorpg aspects of SWG. They want combat to be faster and flashier like battlefront, and character advancement to mean something, but not take a really long time or be to involved or confusing.


So basically what they are doing is stripping down and taking away the fine points of swg (which made it a great game) in an attempt to make it more accessable and mainstream. They are completely changing the game and wasting tons of code. Everything that made SWG a great mmorpg is going away.


They are trying to make SWG less like an mmorpg in order to make it more mainstream. The only thing is that an mmorpg or an mmorpg derivative (which they are trying to make swg into) will never be mainstream. Young Star Wars fans are not going to fork over a monthly fee for a computer game that has slightly slower and less involved combat than battlefron and has less depth than the original swg did.


The people that played and play SWG are one of 3 things. A hardcore SW fan, an mmorpg junkie, or someone who happens to like SW and MMORPGs too. None of those people are going to be happy with some SWG Battlefront hybrid that has less depth than either of them.


They are completely changing the game to attract new players and forsaking their current fanbase.


I know that there is alot of opposition to it, but i have bad news.


You can complain on the forums all you want and sign all the petitions and cancellations threats you want, but it won't make a difference for two reasons.


1. They just don't care about the vets or what you have to say. This new swg it catered to noobs and character advancement is easier so that they don't scare away the noobie starwars fans


2. They already spent money on it. From what i hear there are voice overs and who knows what else in the new swg update. They already spent time and money developing it, and there is no way they are going to just throw that all away.


This update is coming hell or highwater. This really makes me sad though. I LOVED SWG when it came out. It was so much fun, and i hate to see the game die with so much unrealised potential. Whatever this new thing is, it won't be swg, even if they don't change the name. It will be a different game with the same graphics.


One more thing that shows how ignorant the devs are. The reason they gave for narrowing over 30 profs into 9 is that only the core combat profs were played and that less than 2% of people played the other profs like CH or BE. THEY DON'T PLAY THOSE PROFS ANYMORE BECAUSE THE DAMN DEVS NERFED THEM TO OBLIVION AND THEY ARE USELESS NOW.


I used to play a CH. In fact i was the first master on our server. I always said and meant that i would quit jedi as soon as they fixed CH because training/finding pets and scouting to me and many others were the two most fun things to do in SWG. I finally had to give CH up because it became useless. The same can be said for most of the other non core combat professions.


Sorry for the massive rant guys, but i'm just disgusted. Mostly because i know that there is nothing that can be done about it. I hoped to come back to SWG one day, but i doubt that will happen now. It was a blast playing with all of you, and to all those i don't know, if you are in this guild you must be standup guys/gals and i would have enjoyed playing with you all as well.


I'm just beyond upset right now so i'm just going to stop typing...

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This quote from the above article just PISSES me off to no extent:



"It's mixed. It's very positive [feedback] from the people who are actually playing it. And we also have the expected push back from the people who haven't actually logged in to try it," says Smedley. "Once people get in there, it's overwhelmingly positive. It's the "the sky is falling" crowd on the forums that's still going to take some converting. I understand that. These are big changes."

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This quote from the above article just PISSES me off to no extent:

"It's mixed. It's very positive [feedback] from the people who are actually playing it. And we also have the expected push back from the people who haven't actually logged in to try it," says Smedley. "Once people get in there, it's overwhelmingly positive. It's the "the sky is falling" crowd on the forums that's still going to take some converting. I understand that. These are big changes."




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Yeah I noticed that.

You know Ive read that bit about respecing but I still dont get it about why it's CL 80.

I mean, what if you're a crafter? Maybe I skipped that part *goes to re-read*


I guess that must mean crafting re-spec is based on skill-points usage.


Well, we shall see!

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