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what giant death robot are you!


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Holy Prime Directive, you're Robocop!


Well, you're neither colossal, nor technically a robot, but your arthritic lurching and dubious morals have found their way into the hearts of futuristic rebels and children everywhere. You walk through fire, catch bullets from the air, and you never, ever smile. Combine this with an abstract, almost random concept of duty and honour, and you have a police officer one cannot fail to adore.


Thank you, Robocop.


You can protect the innocent with the following police badge:



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Can it, you're Bender!


In the robot world, you are a bit of a lightweight in the colossal death league, but you do mutter "kill all humans" in your sleep - and after all, it's the thought that counts. We love you because you drink, steal, smoke cigars and gamble away things that aren't even yours. You've got what it takes. You're the right stuff.


Tell the world you're the Homer Simpson of the future with the following picture:




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Scowling wilfully towards Autobot City, you're Megatron!


Look in a mirror and feel the evil. Then eat the mirror. You eat mirrors for breakfast. You are a badass death robot. You busted on Optimus Prime. You. Are. Megatron. Go outside and burn some animals, because you're worth it.


Declare your pre-Galvatron-ness with the following non-heat-sensitive emblem:



Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?

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<a href="http://rumandmonkey.com/widgets/tests/giantrobot/"><img src="http://rumandmonkey.com/widgets/tests/images/giantrobot/d.jpg" title="Gigantor!" alt="Gigantor!" border="0" /></a><br /><a href="http://rumandmonkey.com/widgets/tests/giantrobot/">Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?</a><br /><small><a href="http://rumandmonkey.com/">Brought to you by Rum and Monkey</a></small>



You are Gigantor!


Born in 1963, You are possibly the original colossal death robot, being one of the patriarchs of the current crop, and definitely an advocate of old-skool enemy-bashing. Why use a clumsy particle weapon when you can create supernovas just by flexing your arms? Your one minor weakness is that you are entirely dominated by some kid with a remote contol - still, don't let it get you down. You can sink a nuclear submarine with jazz music.


Wage death and destruction on the Web with the following fine emblem of power:





hell, if that doesnt work, i give up.

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