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Community Summit Notes

Yva Xorna

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Hi all.

Ok I just got back from the SWG Community Summit April 2006 in Los Angeles.

And I have to say, I'm impressed.


I was actually ready to cancel my other account due to it being useless and whatnot and I was thinking my dog could progam better than the Devs et cetera et cetera.


But now I think I actually understand what they are trying to do.

They *DO* acutally play the game.

[incidentially Julio said he actaully has played an Entertainer for years *gasp athe shock*]


Some of this you may already be aware of but just in case



~focus on bug fixing (including Hero of Tatooine)

~GCW will be back & working. They haven't ironed out the details. Considering having [oops forgot to finish this sentence]...some sort of PVP where it's only against your CL (maybe 9in battle fields) so it's not just like 4 90's gang up on the CL5's.

~3& 4 year vet rewards

~vetran rewards that actually DO something (other than sit there and look pretty)

~differentiation within the profession (so no more cookie cutters!)

~Jedi to stay as a starting profession (they said this was a decision made by HQ because so many people want to play Jedi)

~harder mobs (to encourage group hunts)

~groups to stay at 8 except they are exploring possability of PVPing groups possibly being more and/or allowing people to be in more than 1 group (They said they can't currently support a group content for more than 8 because it ends up just a group going around invincably killing stuff and that's not what they want. Then the one guy, I think it was Vapor, said actually they can't even support content for groups of ONE right now so they need to work on that first LOL)

~new high-end theme parks. Look for the Village to make a comeback in some capacity. Also same for the Jedi Enclaves- those will be doing something soon.

~CH won't be coming back as a profession but they are working on taking some of the CH duties and assigning them to other professions.

~There will be some sort of battle fatigue coming back so that entertainers will have a purpose :)

~ADK kits, hang on to them you never know (they wouldn't be specific)

~no current plans for more server consolidations

~working on fixing the problem with abandoned houses. It's on their list but they are having some difficulty with it.

~adding true collision (ir being able to hide behind rocks)





I will upload a pic soon as I figure out who's in it :P


[sorry typed this while I was 1/2 asleep and forgot to finish a few thoughts]

Edited by Yva Xorna
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Oh I had camera problems. I need a new one. I've had this one for several years and it's trying to die.


Oh there were some people at my table from Wanderhome.

Raleigh from RTECH

Fivah from SOD (she was in KEG too I think at one time)


Nicholas Holiday



Bodin Blaze (who I think 'stole' my T-shirt but that's ok because I got another one)

No pics of them yet but will post as soon as I get it in my email.



Dev's were Julio, Eli Holding, David "Darth Vapor" Jones, and this other guy who's name I forgot (oops). Julio is the burry guy standing up. 2 of the Dev's actually were sitting at our Wanderhome table for a bit before the 'show' started. Oh, the 3 burry guys sitting down were actually on my flight back home. They were very cool people and we ended up chatting a bit while we were all waiting for the flight.


big blurry pic


oh and here's the view out my hotel room at night hehe. I really hate this camera.


night view of parking lot

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~they are trying to come up with some other sort of "marker" on the overhead map so that you can tell the difference between agro mobs and a player enemy (either guild war or pvp)


~no, you can't have your own Death Star or Crusier. But they are adding some new ships later.


~no new droids scheduled to be added


*more later as I remember*

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Wow! Great info Yva :H5: We were actually thinking of going, but couldn't remember which weekend would be L.A. I sort of thought it was this weekend because I haven't seen you on. I wish we could've met up with you, hopefully in the future :woot:

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I think I love Yva.  I definitly have a crush on her after all this info she's "putting out "


Oh and bunky    thats a sweet new sig you got there  im gonna have to make myself one  when i get a chance.





Well looks like things are looking up... maybe i wont delete both accounts after all. Perhaps just the one.

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Thanks for the Info Yva, sounds promising. Cant wait for some results.

I heard talking to a friend of mine whos in with SOE's Jedi Consultant that there will be a pvp themepark in the future



Yes, they were threatening to get the battle fields working again too.

Well I can't really say 'again' since they like never really worked.

But they wouldt go into details about the theme parks or the pvping.


One of the questions thrown at Julio was something like 'ok this all sounds nice BUT you guys have promiced us stuff before and not delivered so the trust just isnt there'


To which he responded something to the effect that he acknowledged that in the past things didn't work out as planned (sort of hinted that the problem was a corporate changing of the mind rather than the Devs being morons) and reaffirmed that they are sticking to their current publish plans. He said 'judge us by this schedule now' instead of holding the past mistakes against them.


I for one am willing to give them another chance but if they blow it this time and don't fix things right and do another completely stupid thing like they did with Ranger & the NGE then of course there's no way I can trust them.


Plus, I'm not ready to give this up anyway- lol, there's nothing else better to play at the moment and I'm not ready to have all sorts of free time and no video games to play.


And I'd miss you all believe it or not. :dance:

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Yes, they were threatening to get the battle fields working again too.

Well I can't really say 'again' since they like never really worked.

But they wouldt go into details about the theme parks or the pvping.




Plus, I'm not ready to give this up anyway- lol, there's nothing else better to play at the moment and I'm not ready to have all sorts of free time and no video games to play.


And I'd miss you all believe it or not.  :dance:



Great Job, Yva.


Oh BTW I wouldn't say the battle fields never worked. I have fought on them along time ago and in place far, far away and they pretty much worked. I think it was more that the community wasn't using them when they did work. People would much rather run around Cnet and pvp than run out on foot to the Correllia Swamp just for pvp.

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Oh BTW I wouldn't say the battle fields never worked. I have fought on them along time ago and in place far, far away and they pretty much worked. I think it was more that the community wasn't using them when they did work. People would much rather run around Cnet and pvp than run out on foot to the Correllia Swamp just for pvp.



Ah so they were working once?

Seriously I don't remember what about them didn't work except that me & some freinds tried them around whenever they came out and there was some glitch.

And that ever since then I don't recall them working for anybody.

At any rate, I'm looking forward to seeing what they are doing with it. I always wonderered (for the sake of tidiness) why they didnt remove them.


~There were several complaints about the CSRz lol. Apparently I'm not the only one who has tickets deleted without them being answered. [hmm I might have said this already?] I think this might be a sore spot for SOE because I thought Julio had a rather pained look on his face when he spoke to this. I would imagine they sort of are defensive about their own co-workers while at the same time they realise there's some room for improvement here. I thought he was kinda snippy in his answer "well we've gotten some praise for them too" or something like that. He didn't really answer this.


~expanded powers for Mayors relating to the abandoned houses and preserving the Mayorship. I wish they would have gone into this more. Quite a few people seemed really concerned about this.



~oh another thing they didnt really answer I brought up at the (doh! I keep typing Starport!) airport about the hostile atmosphere of their forums. It's all full & well to say they are going to emphasize more communication with us players but ugh that place is full of haters. I just got "the look" so I felt maybe it was better to leave that one alone heehee. I think they said they were thinking of doing more Friday Features or something of that nature.


[i'm sorry I didnt' actually take notes or I could have posted everything up in order & I'm sure I left some things out. But I never learned how to take notes. I just kinda scrawled down a few words and mostly just listened.]

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you've done an awesome job reporting on the summit yva. thank you for taking the time to go and then let us all know how you felt about the answers given/issues raised.



You're welcome. I really do love this game & y'all are some of the best people I've ever played with.



Oh gosh I forgot to mention about the in-game economy. As many people pointed out at the summit, right now the economy is pretty much dead. There's no point to buy much of anything because you can loot much better items or you're given items from quests.


~their "solution" to this is the reverse engineering for crafters. Say you loot a shirt that has particular mods on it that you like and a hat that does somthing else. The crafters will be able to take those 2 stats off those items and add them to a new items like a pair of pants. I like this idea as it seems to work for shipwright and it sort of has the BE feel to it. I'm not really sure how that's going to work for my Engineer (droids) but I do see it working really well for Domestics, Munitions and Structures. Oh and I have no idea why you can't do different colors of furniture. They mentioned they were working that but I think they said it got put at the end of the list.



I think they might have a 'schedule of publishes' someplace on the SOE forum. They have sort of quarterly plans for things they intend to accomplish and I think it's all our duties as paying customers to hold them to their word :P


Anyway lol I have to get back to family stuff now. Happy Easter to all :)

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Yes that does sound like a good idea...I'll have to stop deleting modded clothing and weapons etc. I'm getting from my noob/medic/char Bunky Iconicgirl. I'll save the stuff, maybe Bunkalina will be able to do something with it when they make that change :H5:

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Yes that does sound like a good idea...I'll have to stop deleting modded clothing and weapons etc. I'm getting from my noob/medic/char Bunky Iconicgirl.  I'll save the stuff, maybe Bunkalina will be able to do something with it when they make that change  :H5:



oh i REALLY hope they will let us apply our elder robe buffs to somethingelse ^.^

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