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Everything posted by Kakon

  1. In the verse we may get a free respawn but if we can't dodge missiles then we'll still be losing a lot
  2. Ever since the hurricane i've often asked: why can't we just stick another gun on the other ships. Now we know that CGI had the same idea with the sabre... but this time with a turret!
  3. Here is a video highlighting some humans who have put in the time and effort to simply get great as a simple task. Their speed leaves many people saying "I wish i could do that" when in all reality they could with some practice :)
  4. I've got that StateCraft desktop as my background :D
  5. I'll be out of the loop as mainly i've only see the core movies that then branch off xD If there are a few really good writing/inspiring idea ones in there let me know and I'll look for them in my free time
  6. What! No one may alter a film of my childhood memories and make fun of it! This is an outrage! Appalling! Disgraceful! An Abomination! Scandalous! Degrading! Contemptible! Vile! Disgusting! Abhorrent!!! Couldn't watch the whole thing but i'm gonna assume faaaar to much use of epic sax guy music. SAFE GUARD MY YOUNGER SELF'S OPINION OF A MOVIE!!!
  7. Sci-Fi media is great because of its exercise of creativity within a stable system of rules. I like Star Wars less when the force is explained in a way that doesn't follow my perceived ruleset of it. Star Trek takes its set in place sciences and tries to work every issue or magical solution into those limits. If you consume a lot of creative material it can also inspire you to create new ideas and brainstorm logical working systems for games like Star Citizen!
  8. In Star Citizen's galaxy they have the freedom to make up some pretty crazy planets and environments. As long as they can explain away the science we could be seeing a low gravity planet held together by magnets or even a hollow planet with the city on the inside pointed towards an energy/light source.
  9. Daaaaa naaaaaaa na na naaaa naaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  10. Merry Celebration of the earth's cycle around its sun in corispondense to the date on which Sanctuary was created
  11. In the wonderful realm of video games there are such things as "Hit Boxes" which determines if your projectile hits them or not. So remember when your target's ship has holes in it to aim carefully or your projectile may pass right through it!
  12. The torpedo is a veracious predictor. Here we see it tracking a plump Herald ripe with electromagnetic signatures. The torpedo can smell electricity in space from over 4000 meters away and will chase a target for minutes on end... Here we see the gracious torpedo circling its target to confuse it, probing for the best location to attack, and getting ready to deliver the killing blow. This is a PSA for all pilots out there flying in torpedo territory... Keep sight on asteroids to hide behind, side step the torpedo and let its speed carry it past you so you can get to safety, and never give up no matter how many times it circles around.
  13. The 21 foot rule suggest in a relaxed environment if a person with a knife runs at you then you can not pull out a gun and fire on them before they can get to you. Sounds like the gun user has a problem and just needs to educate himself on options to create new solutions. Check out this Elite Knife Instructor VS Elite Gun Fighter and his approach to the situation.
  14. I was invited to Sanctuary of Wanderhome back in December 19th, 2006 in Westfall of World of Warcraft. I had previously rejected most of the guild invites but that one time I thought why not and boy am i happy today that I didn't hit decline. I was young, I had never been part of an online community but now my goals were intertwined with friends who over the years would come to help shape my sense of humor and the way I approach all challenges. Back in the Warcraft days I considered myself a novice, which lead to me being anxious about hanging out with the experienced folks when I was asked to help fill a slot for a guild raid. I did the best I could and asked a lot of questions. Over the next few years I went from a snobby kid to that kid you go to for anything you need. The core of SoW's administration rewarded all my effort and gave me room to grow until I was leading the expeditions into the tombs of horrors and terrible beasties. I would end up being surrounded by intelligent people who cared for me. It didn't matter where we went just as long as we all played together and in the end of the Warcraft Days I was so hyped to join my friends in the new Adventure of Star Trek online. Our group of intelligent people who wanted to put in the effort dominated the game. We produced content both silly and helpful for the community. I was going through some emotionally draining times when I made one of the biggest mistakes of my life. I burned the bridges of my best friends, people who cared for me, because I was weak. I spent years regretting that choice. One day it came down to "I can never make it up to them, but i'd like to see the old stomping grounds again" and I rejoined the games that had my old friends in it. We created again, made wonderful things that can compete with the top. I will keep putting effort into SoW because i care about this community and the people in it. Joining Sanctuary of Wanderhome was the best thing that ever happened to me. It taught me, it keeps teaching me, and it'll only get better!
  15. Its always more interesting to have more large stars of varying sizes. Could have a small scale universe where everything is orbiting proper at 1/3rd size even. Low Gravity Bouncy houses!
  16. With any video game we play we mainly use our wrist/hand/figure muscles to play the game, buuuut... all that the raw power comes from the connected muscles in our forearm. As a result we can keep our forearms strong and our moments more steady/controlled on our mouse/joystick with a simple plastic & spring combo. Amazon has a pretty cheap and durable set of grips with a few levels of strength. When ever I walk around the house or am on a call i'm always making my muscles more durable with one of these. Keep thinking forward, don't let future you kick current you in the butt for not thinking about your physical health!
  17. Kakon


    Nice, now get back in the mines and farm up some ore!
  18. The ultra-Wide Screen Monitors provide you with a tactical advantage of being able to see MORE! You can see the ships off to the sides of your windows.
  19. Then add bacon, bacon, bacon, season it with bacon wrapped bacon bits. oh an then stuff it with bacon.. YOU NEED A MAN'S MEAL!! You need... DA MEATSHROOM!
  20. Raise up Wanderhomies! take your Tribble to arms! defend thy homes and thy hearts. For we... are F'N FAMOUS BABY!!
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