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Everything posted by Montau

  1. That'll be on the next Sanct. party meeting thing instead of Mortal Combat I'm sure.
  2. Cool stuff dude, where are you originally from?
  3. I joined SoW so long ago that Myspace was a thing still... no really, the info for my myspace account for contact info is still there. We were in WoW still and I had just left my old guild because they didn't let people keep vendor trash since 'it was for the tanks repairs'. The main condition was I get to keep my vendor trash. It turns out SoW was a good fit because I was a farmer, I farmed and kept everything, I rarely sold stuff on the Auction House. Sooooo my banks would get full and what better place to give stuff away than to people you know, and so the great Netherweave Fiasco was born, using my ultra super powers(too much free time)... it could continue but just ask Astrus about it if you're curious. So far I've transferred with the guild to the other games we've called home and its worked out phenomenally. If anyone you know is looking for a good group of friends and a well structured community send them this way, you and they won't go wrong. I love this guild because we're farmers who are always looking to have excitement brought to our doorstep. That gives us reasons for further fun like Call to Arms. Nothing is better than to be derping along to get attacked and then slaughter the attacker, their friends, their guildies, and anyone else unlucky enough to get in the way accross game continents or galaxies to prove the point of just leaving us alone.
  4. Disclaimer: Astrus and Kakon might not enjoy 'Legion' by Hammerfall, its a song about Legion the hell daemon. Sonata Artica, Dragonforce, Hammerfall, Freedom Call, Flogging Molly, Alestorm, Sabaton, Dropkick Murphys, are all good bands that have great discographies. However, Turisas and Heidvolk can get tedious in how their songs all sound so I'd weed through and get those track by track if you're so inclined to be a patron to these artists. Otherwise this is the current favorite play list from my phone:
  5. I'm in school but when I have down time it's rough...
  6. So for the past few I've noticed that I'm having difficulty with down time. I'm not the richest person so I can't afford things that are too crazy, running out of things to do with my down time is becoming a reality. If any of you have things or ideas of how I can occupy myself without going into an alcohol fueled gaming adventure, that would be appreciated.
  7. Good to hear dude, grats on the goals so far!
  8. It turns out I won't be playing anything intensive because Murphy's Law has struck and I'll be focusing on school and building up the "Oh *crap* fund" again :) I'll be paying attention and saying hi when I can though, hope to get this crap figured out soon.
  9. So this time my name is on the list for deployment in September so since it's a year deployment I'll be there till about next summer. Mont'au out.
  10. Hi to all new and old. I haven't been able to get on to talk to all you guys lately or play games much. AIT has taken up quite a chunk of time (so have my battle buddies lol). So anyway I wanted to say I finally found out my duty station. Its going to be Fort Hood in Texas. Yes I wanted to get stationed there so I'm ecstatic. The downside is though I may be off for an even more extended period of time. Word from the PNN (Private News Network-a rather unreliable source) has said that Fort Hood is deploying between July and November so I'll be humpin the boonies of wherever. But yea I wish you guys well and I'll try to hop in vent more or something to say hi as my connection here in the barracks isn't very good.
  11. So the other day I was searching the internet, for porn I think, and I stumbled upon this comic strip. No nevermind it wasn't porn it was music.Its hilarious, about how Rayne (the main character)dislikes emo kids. After I saw that I looked it up on the internet and found it was a comic strip. BEEEN reading it non-stop now. If you're into comics more than likely you'll love this one. Or if not you'll love it anyway because there's a ton of funny puns, irony and all sorts of stuff. Check it out trust me you'll love it! And of COURSE I have one for Kakon -
  12. More than likely I wont see many of you guys again for a while. I'm shipping for basic tomorrow so I figured I'd say peace out till the next time I get the chance to get on. So all youz guyz stay safe and be well and I hope to talk to you guys again in around 7 months.
  13. LOL happy birthday "Grandpa"
  14. Montau


    ... Spent another 3 hours trying to get my grandparents printer working... ... Been trying to get them able to do stuff 90 year old people do on the internet... ... After getting the programs to work 3 hours later I finally google the problem... ... The printer had no black ink so it would only print color... FML
  15. In order for me to be able to export and use the world I created in Sims 3 I need a thumbnail that is 256x256 and also has to be a 24 bit png file. The problem I'm having is converting an image with GIMP into the required format. Atm I'm working with a file that is 256x256 and I believe is a 24 bit png file however I'm still getting the error that the file is not a 24 bit png file. If anyone could direct me in the right direction to get the image foolproof into the format I need it would be much appreciated as after I test this world I plan on making many others to share with the world. Edit: In the event that you would want to edit the file yourself to make it easy if you could give me instructions on how to do it myself after it would be very helpful.
  16. Totally going to see that... with or without my girlfriend HES SO FLUFFY I'M GONNA DIE!!!!
  17. Haha Zhiv way to totally be late by like 4 years.... btw getting around B+ to an A on my CS class :)
  18. Lol don't really get it but ok....
  19. HAHAH Ill have to read the first book now too if its going to be that funny
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