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About Creedcr

  • Birthday 06/21/1979

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  1. Happy Birthday DUDE!!! I have a gift for you too, I am going back to Cedar Rapids for 2 weeks on Sept 19. Thats right, you can hang out with me, I dont know any gift that could be better. LET THE PARTY BEGIN!!!
  2. I decided to post this here instead of create a new thread about the RNC. I am trying to watch it like I watched most of the DNC, but so far all I been doing is yawning or becoming distracted by a small piece of shiny tin foil. Sarah Palin spoke last night, I missed it all cause I was at work but I got to see clips on youtube. Thats why I love seeing stuff like this the next day. Surprise, most politicians Lie! Or withhold all the facts. :wrong: I want to be a politician: "Last night a representive of the McCain/Palin ticket announced this was going to be their campaigns new theme song."
  3. Yes they were, but they got to the safest place in the house, the hallway, and came out unharmed.
  4. Tornado hits Eglin I txt with Devin today about this, he and family are fine. Devin was working when the tornado dropped. From his last text it sounds like they are being moved into a new house on base. If I get any more info I will let you know.
  5. Since before I turned 18. Nebraska lets you register to vote in a primary if you are going to be 18 by the time the general election comes around. I registered as a Republican, even though my social views are very liberal.
  6. FOX News Story CNN News Story NPR News Story Ok, well, first off I would like to say I posted the 3 storys so we can see the far right, middle, and far left end of the spectrum. It is no secret I support Obama, and I gave Joe Biden a glowing endorsement when the announcemnt came he was the VP nominee. I have read the 3 articles and I can say this much. Sarah Palin is energetic and party minded, but at the same time doesn't just lend her ear to the "Old Boy Network." She is pro-life, pro-guns and enjoys playing hockey. I like watching hockey. She was a former beauty queen contested, and her oldest son is soon deploying to Iraq. So as before I leave it for you to discuss :). If you want to hear my opinion send me a PM, I will be happy to share.
  7. Yesterday at work several of my "older" coworkers where trying to convince me the moment Obama took the oath of office there was going to be an attack on US soil. This so-called information came from one of my coworkers daughters who is in the Army. Be it politcal propaganda or just plain stupidity I had nothing better to do then LOL in her face, in front of my boss, which could have gotten me in trouble. Then I asked "If you aren't planning on voting for Obama, you intend to vote for the man who in the past 11 months started goose stepping to Bushes plan?" At that point in time she had to clock out and leave and didnt want to finish the convo, but I could tell her cage had been rattled. Kit and I watched last nights acceptance speech. It was the first time in this election that I heard Kit voice support for Obama. I cant wait for Nov 4 :D .
  8. You sound bitter, is this McCain support in sheeps clothing? Or are you simply poopooing our excitment over 8 more years of not Bush. Bush wasnt a DC insider and look at how much change he has made in his 8 years as president. Keep in mind it was not change for the better. Recession, bad foreign image, quagmired in a war that continues to jack up fuel prices. About the only positive that may come out of Bush's occupation of the white house is the steps made towards getting us off oil. As far as capturing the "Blue collar vote" Hillary is already getting behind Obama. See Clinton urges her supporters to back Obama. I think the only major problem with the "system" is the electoral college. It made sense back when towns and cities where far apart and travel affected how the vote was takin. In this day and age we have materials to make this a vote of either popular choice, or a revised electoral college. There are better minds then mine that can figure what that system should be. For now we are still a democracy and we cast our vote for the person we feel is best suited to represent our goals and ideals. If you dont like the person you choose, then try to find someone who does, or run yourself and be that change that your community needs. Don't just crap on the system because it dosen't always work for you. I wonder Yonv, who was the last person you voted for, and what do you do where you live to get involved?
  9. BTW, my happy hat is huge! :dance:
  10. Obama names VP choice I think this is a strong decision, Biden can do a lot to help repair our foreign image. Now it just a wait and see for McCain's choice.
  11. They Live, one of my favorite guilty plasure movies. This is another one of my
  12. http://www.amazon.com/Physics-Dummies-Math...e/dp/0764554336 I'll pick this up and read it and see if I can shed any light on the matter. Get it, physics, matter, I slay me :lol: I do know this, an object at rest will remain at rest until acted upon by an outside force. This holds true of more then just motion.
  13. Happy Birthday Astrus, hope your day was awsome and filled with love from your family.
  14. I keep trying to talk Kit into letting me buy a second monitor that could be hooked up to either the lap top or her system, granted the fps would go way down on my laptop but it would be nice to see my desktop without alttabbing.
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