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Everything posted by Jasko_Denew

  1. I saw this yesterday on the news at work. I giggled initially because I always find someone getting tazered to be funny (I've been tazered...it isn't funny! Weird huh?) The more I think about it though, it really was a disgusting abuse of power by the cops. Here is a student acting on his freedom of speech RIGHT and he gets assaulted for it. That is a sad sad statement. He may have over-reacted, but in a way it may have been warranted. There was no reason for what they did to him and makes me wonder if we would have seen more of this had Kerry been elected president....ok maybe that is a bit dramatic, but whatever. It was just wrong.
  2. Apparently President Bush was inspired by this Chris Crocker dude..... http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=...ideoid=17978550
  3. Yea I saw they took it down. There's plenty of other places to see it tho. Try here: http://www.xomba.com/britney_spears_vma_performance_video
  4. JEEZ....was that a Monty Python sketch??? ROFLMAO
  5. This might be the ONLY thing funnier than Miss South Carolina......ZOMG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihH6TpxPcRI Hope you've not eaten lately...
  6. My college professor left me a note on my paper today. It read "The Force is Strong With You!!" I win :) That is all! :P
  8. two thumbs up!! or is that just for movies?
  9. Hey Ed, grats again. God is good! And it was good to finally meet you face to face today....hey BTW, since he was born at my hospital...does that make he honorary uncle Jasko?? Just wondering..... Hehe, Grats again man
  10. Saw this website on the news last night. http://simpsonizeme.com Go there, input a nice headshot of yourself, fiddle with some dials and in 5-10 minutes you get a Simpsons character that looks just like you. I did my whole family and made a family portrait with photoshop. From left to right, my Dad, my mom, my brother and myself Just one tip, when you export your pic, make sure you save it WITH a .jpg extension, otherwise it will not be viewable on yer PC. Have fun
  11. Ok then. My vacation begins today officially. I may pop in WOW tomorrow night for a little while, but I'm not sure. Saturday morning I'll be flying out to Minnesota and will be away until the 13th. Once I get back, I have 11, count em 11 straight days off. So in case I don't see you tomorrow night, have fun, and I'll be back in a week. Bel
  12. OMFG That was insane! I gotta learn that one!
  13. LOL, so he shredded his CDs. He's prolly thinking "who needs the CDs to play" :P
  14. PWNT! Thanx Astrus.....that was hilarious.. Now, where is my dictionary? Those words were big, even for me :P And FYI, I ran with Kakon through BM a few minutes after this run failed, and we got thru it in less than 30 minutes, he did just fine and is now Kara attuned.
  15. Just picked up a copy of Shaw-Blades "Influence." It's INSANE!!!!! Highly recommended. Listening to "Time of the Season" from that album as I type this.
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