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  • Birthday May 25

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  1. Genetics is also a huge part. Generally speaking Telomers grow in adverse conditions. So people who had a tough life will generally life a longer also the guy is black meaning the sun will not do as much damage compared to us white people. Plus smoking a cigar is the least bad kind of smoking you can do it is still not good but it is not as bad as cigarettes.
  2. Many of us want to live long and healthy lifes well into our 80s if not into our 100s and there are a few secrets to that, and I am gona collect some of them here. First why do we age. Recently we discovered that ageing is the degradation of our epigenome. The epigenome is a part of the genome which defines the function of the cell and through damage over the decades the genome degrades till the cell itself doesn't know is it a neuron a skin cell or muscle cell. While some people metaphorically have muscles for brains nobody actually wants that. So by preventing this damage you will be healthier longer but you will still die at approximately the same time as you would have without this. This is because of reason 2 Telomeres. Telomeres are the end caps of DNA and are used for RNA to have a starting point so over time the Telomere length decreases this is is to prevent those cells from above also known as senescent cells. From becoming cancerous as this is a soft cap on how often a cell can multiply. but not to worry compared to the cell damage you can actually extend Telomere length. So now the first tip is the sun is your enemy it is literal radiation and it will damage your epigenome Dr. David Sinclair famously artificially aged a mouse with UV rays. So us sunscreen when possible better pale than dead. Avoid tanning booths at all cost. https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/harvard-researchers-reverse-aging-in-mice/#:~:text=First%2C researchers made epigenetic changes,postdoctoral researcher Thomas Dixon-McDougall. Now to a way to kill those senescent cells. Exercise just 10 minutes 3 times a week can start to kill your useless cells. As an added side effect of ageing we linearly loose muscle mass over time both cardio and skeletal mass so the fitter you are in your early life and the better you retain those muscles through proper diet and exercise in your age the healthier your old age will be lack of muscle strength can also cause serious injuries up to death. As an addendum to the paragraph above avoid supplements like resveratrol, mtor, repomicin etc as they make exercise less effective and causes you to loose muscle mass faster also avoid fasting. there was a study done in mice that showed that getting a mouse not to eat for 16 hours causes autophagy which clears cells of harmful proteins but for humans this would be 4 days and not worth it. Generally skip the Supplements they are not as effective as they are advertised. Next Cold and or Heat treatment. Cold showers or just ice rooms can help clear out harmful proteins which cause epigenome damage and it also increases the Telomer damage one popular thing to do is to take ice cold showers or ice baths. While extreme heats like saunas can help with protein folding. https://www.nature.com/articles/s43587-023-00383-4 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2982175/ One of the single most important tips I can give is SLEEP. You should always sleep 7 - 9 hours everyday no lost sleep can not be caught up on once you loose sleep it starts to cause damage. Just go to bed at reasonable times. Now a little secret tip from me not many people know about. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment. This is basically hacking your own biology. Originally used to treat diving sickness in divers this treatment has metaconules healing ability as for an unknown reason when you increase the amount of oxygen in your blood by first breathing pure oxygen second breathing it under pressure your body starts to heal a LOT faster than normally. I am still surprised why no insurance company actually pays for this even if you just had an operation. If done with 3 bars above room pressure over a long enough period this can actually increase your telomere length up to 20 percent but it is rather expensive so not something useable for the everyday person but if you recover from a serious injury this will help you even at lower pressures. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/hyperbaric-oxygen-therapy-for-wound-healing#:~:text=Hyperbaric oxygen therapy involves exposing,100% oxygen may speed healing. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK459172/ https://www.aging-us.com/article/202188/text (not Shure if this is the Israel study.) I took good care of trying to find things mostly tested in humans but there is much much more out there which was tested in mice since you can not really test if a human will live longer as we just life way to long for this so we test mostly on short lived mice, and while we are similar we are not the same so if you do your own research be careful to see if something was ever tested in humans.
  3. Also just a few general tips Rule of 3 (while you might be alive during that time you might not be strong enough to actually do anything). You can survive 3 Minutes without oxygen. 3 Hours without shelter in bad weather. 3 days without water. and 3 week without food. When possible stay in groups (The strength of the pack is the wolf and the strength of the wolf is the pack). In Forest NEVER eat mushrooms unless you know EXACTLY what you are doing (death is not worth it). In a desert never drink Cactus juice it can make you vomit. If you are lost but still think you gona reach Civilisation in the next week you can drink any water you can find all the diseases you can get will take at least a week to kill you and it is better than to die of dehydration. when sleeping 2/3 of your body heat goes into the ground try to make an isolation layer between you and the ground. The worst situation you can find yourself in is open water survival try to bring a mirror, a signal flare or anything that can create a signal hope you get found or you are dead. Some survival tips I hope they help.
  4. This looks and sounds awful but it is survival food I guess.
  5. I see your perseverance and raise you one Artemis program https://www.nasa.gov/specials/artemis/
  6. I would have interpreted this differently I would have interpreted this as instead of going up to 9 billion we go up to 8.78 or 8.1 depending on how you do the math. Why would I interpret it that way is because if you fully build that sentence he could have said we can decrease that increase by 10 percent or we can decrease that(referring to the total of 9millions by 10 percent wich would be 8.1 wich is still an increase but not like you imply that they want to decrease the population. Only the population gain with maybe a static population beeing the goal.
  7. A few fair warnings. If you use the gas mask do not touch the plastic you will very very easily smudge it and do not expose to direct sunlight it will deform the plastic.
  8. Well when do you need to survive? During a nuclear war ofc! So here is how to make a ativated charcoal gas mask from mostly things you have at home.
  9. From all the Book Links in the Original Post only the first one still works and the Video is now private.
  10. The austrian Goverment made a few anouncments yesterday and i want to share this because how opresive they are 1. All schools are closed 2. Leaving your house in is forbiden with the exeptions of 1. Important jobs sutch as doctors 2. Grocery shoping 3. helping other people 4. going for walks but only with people you live together 3. All parks and playgrounds are closed. 4. All restaurantes are closed for the jobs that are defenitly closed are all Servieces with direct customer contact like barbers the rest is currently deffined as of the time of writing. Also going out for any reason not mentioned above will give you a 2000 Euro fine if you use a playground or park 3000.
  11. I can not connect it spits out the message "wrong certificate or password". Did the paswword change from what is writen in the post? Edit: After compleatly deleting the server i could suddenly connect
  12. My Internet is down for the next few days because there where problems with the automated paying system and now the internet is down for the next few days till the last bill is payed.
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