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Yva Xorna

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Everything posted by Yva Xorna

  1. nice Tripod banner Astrus *lol* Wrath? Hmm. And I always tell people that we are un-greifable, as I smile and keep doing whatever it is that I'm doing that is annoying them :) Yeah we could still get a crew and go to the wookies. I'm still allergic to the wookie quest though, after having put Yva through from 80-89. Thank the Force I looked that LifeDay level-upper-thingy and made it to 90.
  2. went to my first crab feed. mmmm good stuff lots of salad, spaghetti, bread, shrimp & crab :) [truth be known I much prefer fish to shellfish but this was still yummy]
  3. Spent over 7 hours at 'band practice'....what can I say? they fired up a karoke machine and I made myself at home heheehe!
  4. ...spent over 6 hours looking for my passport...and FOUND it *doing happy dance* Which is great because it's $90-something to replace it PLUS I'd have to find some proof of citizenship (not sure how much that costs). So yay now all I have to do is get some new photos taken & mail in the old one :)
  5. hi wretched :) bye wretched :(
  6. Yeah there's a group of CL90 'ogres' that have been trying to keep the newer players from leveling up.
  7. Funny in a weird way, not really a 'ha ha' . Well I'm looking forward to seeing you again Shaw. Careful when you open your gmail...5000 new messages :D
  8. ok there's apparently some un-written law of the SWG universe that says we can't all be online together. Mav's back so Draejth must leave...then when Shaw's back....hmm...it will be my turn :P
  9. lol yes you can't just tease us like that :P
  10. hehee. I don't really have very many. I don't have as much time to read this as I used to :(
  11. Yours too Roarwoor ? it's an epidemic Mine works fine but the GAME hates me . I did finally get unstuck from the elevators though :)
  12. poor Shaw :( Well at least the computer is working. Thats the hardest part sometimes. Looking forward to having you back in-game!!
  13. Indeed. I have nobody to yell at when you're not on...err...I mean.... I do hope you get back soon! Oh I'm too tired *falls asleep on keyboard*
  14. lol 'customer service' isn't a phrase they understand Ok well, just come back when ya can. you are missed!
  15. Good thing I got a rebreather from DWB ;)
  16. Indeed, I havent seen the gas for a while either :(
  17. Anybody notice that the saber resources come in gigantic amounts? And the smaller kits are reallly pricey? I was thinking maybe if some of us got together and pooled some money, bought the big huge stacks of resoruces & split them up, that might work out nicely. Anybody intersted?
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