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Everything posted by slipoo

  1. um if im off ill try to be there right now im a rifleman/3004 in bh i think /shrug. and i got some cm thinking of graping the tree that debuffs and i can area and range heal so that might be helpful.
  2. aye i read that the other day and have been thinking about it. the only thing i wanted was my jedi and with CU now coming. everything is goin to be buggy for along time like when game launch.... so i have canceled my accounts slip runs out tomorrow and mosish on the 19 ill be on mosish every now and then to see how things are if im disappointed im goin to go back to WOW with my RL best bud. and if any of you ever want to come over and play im on cenarius. i can help you out some ive got a 38 mage named abberry. so yea ill cya in game later this week. later yall.
  3. hmmmm lets see i hate my job but on the bright side of it i get off when the sun is still coming up so i get to see the sunrise. and i get to breath in that fresh morning country air that doesnt smell of the mills running or car exhaust yet. and i work next to a bakery so i get to smell the fresh bread too. but yea so i love breathing in fresh crisp morning air. especially when i get home and it has the scent of the pine trees still fresh..... so beautiful /sniffle...... if you havnt you should go visit the country in the early morning and you will see what i mean.
  4. lol went from defense stacking now to armor stacking i guess. im thinking of goin rifleman/commando with CU not sure though might keep the pikeman and swords
  5. sometime next month i think.
  6. bah i meant the Polysteel Copper (Omohu) 2.7 my bad didnt inculde the entire name :P. srry and i only want 30k of it.
  7. ooo that poly steel is nice i need the conductivity for reapir kits so i think i might just have to buy some. BTW anyone have a factory i could borrow so i can make a couple runs on repair kits? i think it is equipment but i could be wrong i usually am.
  8. http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/55/ woot trevor 2 not as funny. lotsa beans lotsa beans lotsa beans :)
  9. aye he did and i good some cool loot when we were killing stuff. plus found out i can tank a NS eldar now lol. woot congrats veto man.
  10. yea i use to get spammed by tells me and my RL bud Kover were always together when we pvped. i remeber when PWR had their base surronded by houses and only way in was 4 small corners. lol well lets say 2 rifleman spamming adv. strafe 2 in that tight little area was nasty. and we would go down to the bottom of their base and they would send the atst after us. remeber one time me kover, and apache. we took out like 3 atsts and took them like 20-30 mins to finally get us. woot good times...
  11. aye i read on the thread before it was deleted that he did threaten someone. now durry is in charge of aow hope he does a good job. ....... what you mean pvp guilds have idiots in them i use to be in one...... /cry..... :(
  12. dont know if yall know but i read on the forums this morning before it got deleted that thehoodedone got banned. for you all dont know this was hakans jedi. first light jedi master. and he was leader of aow. the primary rebel pvp guild. just thought i woudl FYI.
  13. it is supid which is what makes it so funny.....
  14. lol well i know some of my friends in the area were talking about trying to play the star wars rpg but it never happen i heard it was fun though.
  15. hmmmm you play pen and paper rpgs. anyone here ever played shadowrun?i was always the meat shield troll. lol once took 3 rockets to the chest and survived (barely of course)
  16. um slipoo is master rifles master swords about to get master brawler novice medic. good for killing high lvl mobs. then mosish master marksmen BH 3000 master fencer with a tree in medic. so much for doing weaponsmith and merchant :( but i want to hunt imp jedi.
  17. well you can just put the best stuff on you and load the houses you have down with money. that way you have a long time till they go up and if they do you still have the stuff you need to get started over again
  18. ill lend my trust t21 and PH to the hunt. i like killing big things.
  19. aye i think it is after 30 days after subscribtion ends that they can delete. i was gone for 4 months and came back no problem. except all my houses died :(
  20. When all of a sudden Slipoo goes into a crash trandoshan rage screaming "All i wanted was a DRINK! not milk and not shaw's fur in my throat! just a freaking "lol....slipoo is going to get you! " then the stormtroopers looked at each other and said in unsion "oh-uh" as slipoo......
  21. aye about 300m from guild hall.
  22. man i wish i could have won would retire at the age of 19 after investing into the stock market and putting rest in bank. living off the intrest for the rest of my life would be nice....... o well ill just settle with my lunch of jambalaya. it is good nice and spicey mmmmmmm. lol
  23. .... it was so slippery it slid right out of his hands. As the bartender cleaned up the mess the great and powerful Slipoo thought "Man im still thirsty. Didnt realize it was so hard to get a drink around here. wonder what im goin to do......"
  24. um im lvling up alt up in merchant at the current moment and it is a pain ill tell you that much but if your out near the guild hall could you possible look at my vendor you only have to do it once.... b/c it takes like 5 mins to get the next xp which kind of sucks.... but anyways my house is at wp -4445, 5359. thank you.
  25. slipoo


    woot!!!!!!!! good job man.
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