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Everything posted by Shawkorrr

  1. Sure do! I actually "hunted" lvl 2 things with a newbie for like one hour yesterday! lol, so my birthday made me wanna play some SWG! w00t! - Shaw
  2. :H5: Thanks bro! It has been a nice day for me, relaxing with friends and all.. the weather was GREAT today, something I have not seen since mid April!! So you can say that the sun were shining for me today ;) /bow3 - Shaw
  3. I would like to welcome Sirian Mattise to SancTuarY guild! Good to have you onboard!! - Shaw
  4. Thank you my fellow sanctian ;) Nice to meet you by the way!! :woot: :dance: :woot: - Shaw
  5. Hehe! Welcome hun! *woot!* Good to have you onboard! /salute - Shaw :superwoot:
  6. *raise hand* Agree with Astrus..
  7. *cough* What about me dude? Im da überpilot in the slowest ship in the galaxy.. the perfect bait! I rule them all in space! :blink: :blink: - Shaw
  8. .. here are two other pics with me in them! Taken by Drekkin Hart Taken by myself ;) - Shaw
  9. W00t! Im da überphotographer! For the third time one of my pics has come on the www.starwarsgalaxies.com web-site; pic of the day! :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: (you can also find this picture in our gallery!) - Shaw B)
  10. Think I know a guy who is doing that.. hehe Life, well, atm I see no point at all in life, that is cuz im a bit depressed these days :P - Shaw
  11. What is the meaning of life? Lets try to discuss this question?
  12. As a SancTuarY recruiter it is my duty to welcome our two newest members, which I've recruited; Onimalof & Fi'Kei WELCOME! - Shaw
  13. Im recruiting like a mad wookiee these days, more people are joining, people are finally coming back to the server.. RL takes a lot of my time, especially when I get a bit depressed and all.. Now that we got even more people in our guild we will hunt more, that is for sure! Remember, im from Norway, so when you guys go to bed, it is morning for me! hehe Took myself a little hunt with Onimalof (one of our new members) yesterday.. you guys should go to Cnet and go ask for groups if Sanctians aint online.. keep our name out in the galaxy.. spread the word about our web-site www.sanct-guild.com .. but recruiting is kinda my business, direct them to me, astrus, or veto ;) hehe Thanks for making this discussion TV! B) - Shaw
  14. w00t! only two more days and I will see the movie!
  15. I know that it cant be the same thingi, that would have made SWG real sucky.. tho it might be a different version of that crappy droid? :peace:
  16. Hmm, you guys remember in the myyydril caves when we talked to the silly droid who would not let us in the door? is this the place we were heading?? isnt that the jedi droid that were in SW3?? lol - Shaw
  17. I will slay them all! They are eating my flowers!! :cussing: :cussing:
  18. I'll bring my pets, tho my kimogila and rancor are way to big to take inside.. will have to call "Barky" and my other pet.. - Shaw
  19. Count me in! You should also contact Aeco, he is not on forums yet, and tell him to join as well.. :woot: - Shaw :H5:
  20. Naboo Frogs ("Naboolan Froggis Burbit") The Galaxy Science Channel (CSC) contacted me some days ago, asking if I could make a report on the frogs that are located on Naboo, especially near our city. I accepted the little mission. I went outside my house and saw a Naboolan Froggis Burbit in an instant! "wow, alot of frogs here, wazzap?!?" These frogs seem to eat.. erm.. poo! Especially the fambaa poo! I think they got some sort of defense system to protect their terretory, cuz they seem to be patrolling back and forth nonstop.. and suddenly a question popped up in my head, do these things swim underwater or do they jump? hmm.. I might want to explore the swamps outside Moenia.. hmm.. Too many frogs outside my house, I blame those fambaas that are crapping out my backyard!! Lets join forces and hunt them down, we might get some cash for the hide/meat/bones? :P - Shaw
  21. .. then you guys should also start selling resources on the Wanderhome Galaxy Trade Forums as well! w00t! hehe ;) - Shaw
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