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Everything posted by Vibration

  1. This is a known bug, Technicians are working on it now.
  2. Me no likey those savage and viscious huff duns :cussing:
  3. Much has changed in the Warren post CU. I solo'd it several times pre CU. Now the CL's and spawn rate are just too much for a solo person. It was fun though (albeit frustrating though) :blink: Vib
  4. I whole heartedly agree with Astrus. That being said, I have used many voice coms with SWG. They work ok, but I have found that when doing this, many people are left in the dark. Guild chat goes dead. Which makes people upset. Which then causes some of the BS that Astrus is referring too. I have TS. I have a mic. I choose not to partake in this though unless the situation proves itself to be invaluable. Vib
  5. /deepbow /worship our great leader Astrus :P
  6. Vibration


    I would love a sig Shaw! :dance:
  7. Currently PSG's only protect you from ranged attacks. So basically, unless you are a jedi running from a BH, they really will not help you. What you need to do is stay towards the back when hunting in a group. That is, as long as you are a ranged attacker. The most important thing to remember is not to be the first attacker. First attacker = agro (at least untill someone hits the critter with a bigger hammer :blink: ) Let me go ahead and take you through the lair experience. First when you get to the lair, critters will be all around it. One person opens fire on a critter. This is referred to as "pulling". Once this happens, he is the one being aggroed. All the rest of the people in the group should be around this puller and get their licks in. This happens over and over untill all the critters are dead. Next the puller takes one shot at the lair. RESIST the temptation to help! This is very important. As soon as the one shot goes through, the next wave of critters will start to appear. Proceed as you did on the first wave. Next the puller, and those that wish to help, shoot/hit the lair untill it reaches 1/2 energy. It is very important to stop at this point. The third wave will begin to appear, and if your still hitting the lair, they will ALL attack you. Continue as you did the previous waves. Once all these critters are gone, you may finish off the lair. There are ways to get more critters out of the lair, but when working in a group, they are usually not used. Happy Hunting!
  8. Ahhh, the ole LOSK teamspeak. I remember that. Not that I used it very much though. It would be kinda nice to be able to actually speak with y'all though. :D
  9. Vibration cat is curently: Rifleman 4443 (just need to get my combat xp...have enough banked for master) Marksman 4004 Enhancer 0020 Powers novice LS novice Healer 2000 Defender 0120 Im currently working on that first healer tree. Vibration dog is currently: Master Artisan Master Architect Merchant 0003 I may get some flak for this, but I will be respec'ing him to a combat profession...probably Master BH, Master Doc. Both of these professions I have been in the past, I just don't have the energy/patience to do it again lol.
  10. This is an excellent topic. Some of us take for granted that fact that we "know" how to xp grind on creature lairs. It is important that the young ones around us learn how to do this as well. The most important things for people to remember when going out hunting is that there is a group leader. It is up to the group leader to give instructions and if necessary, assign roles to the group. Yva is absolutely correct with the things that she stated. I would like to add that when going out hunting, we are going out as a group. Therefore, we must act as a group. If someone needs healing, and you have the ability to heal, stop what you are doing and heal that person. That person may just be the one saving you later on.
  11. Well after receiving some advice on the official forums, I have made my decision. Obviously the thing that I need to do first and foremost is to survive. With that in mind, I have decided to use my last respec to move away from melee and move towards ranged. Therefor, I am respecing to the following: Marksman 4004 Rifleman 4431 I am also moving some Jedi related skills around. I will give up both of my LS skill boxes (0020) and pick up Force Ranged Defense I and Force Rejuvination II (for improved heal). As much as I hate to give up any LS skill, I must survive! I will pick these skills up again, but first I must work on my healing and defenses. This template also gives me some room to grow with my Rifleman skills, so perhaps I will go ahead and work toward master Rifleman. It would be nice to whip out a T-21 the next time I get attacked :D Buyfromme: I would be careful going down the road to Jedi if you do not intend to be combat centered. Jedi is not for everyone, though the force sensitive quests do give you some nice crafting bonuses (so I've heard). Please take note that you don't have to go jedi to get these bonuses.
  12. Awesome! Thanks for the advice. I just put a house deed in my inventory :P
  13. Well, I tried to post this onto the Jedi forums. For some reason it would not let me submit the post. Oh well, thanks again for the advice so far. Currently the only respec I have left is the token respec, and I would like to save that for a later date. D'oh! Turns out my problem was FireFox...was able to post using IE though.
  14. Yea, I thought about posting on the Jedi Forums, but I was a little bit intimidated. It seems you get so much whining, flamming or even message hijacking that I thought I would try here first. I will go ahead and post over there though and report back my findings. :)
  15. Hi everyone! I am in a bit of a predicament. Vibration had her first run in with a BH the other day, and it was pittyful to say the least. What is important though is that I learned just how unprepared I was. I now know that I must always keep an eye on my radar, as well as enlarging it. I must use macros for my various foods and defenses. And most importantly, I must not rely on my Lightsaber. So, this brings me to my various questions. First off, here are my current skills: Master Brawler Pikeman 0040 Swordsman 0030 TK 2000 Enhancer 0002 Healer 1000 Novice Powers Defender 0020 LS 0020 As you have probably noticed, I tried to get as many of the general defense skill boxes as I could. My first question is where do you think I should go from here (as far as BH's go)? Is it more important to work on defenses and healing, or is it better to go after offensive abilities in LS? If I switch out weapons apon attack, should I use swords, pikeman, or TK? I have never really been a part of the PVP world within SWG, so any help would be greatly appreciated. I would love to hear what our own Bounty Hunters have to say, as well as any of our Jedi. I would like to give special thanks to Astrus for giving me a great shopping list for must have foods, and also giving me a few lessons in the Sanctuary Dojo. :D
  16. Thanks guys! I appreciate the help.
  17. I have purchased the expansion, but not spent any real time there. Any advise as to what to do there? How should I get started? Is it a solo type place or group? I am currently level 50, is this planet on par with such a combat level?
  18. Right now Vibration is spread out all over the place. TK 2000 Pikeman 0040 Swords 0030 Master Brawler Novice Powers Novice Healer LS 0020 Enhancer 0002 Defender 0020 To be honest, I really don't know where I want to go with this. Possibly Master Defender hybrid. Any thoughts? One of the things I do enjoy doing is tanking for people. I also enjoy healing.
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