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Everything posted by Jasko_Denew

  1. Macs are like the Lexus vehicles. Both Lexus and Toyota are made by Toyota Motor Corp, but Lexus uses Premium parts like gold connectors and the like. Same with Macs. I don't care for macs for gaming, though WoW, EvE Online, and CoH/CoV work great. Only reason I bought a Mac was because I love them to death.
  2. What nobody? How about an uber fanboy??
  3. If you use it, you will lose all leadership abilities in Zul Aman
  4. I used some mouthwash called "Dawnmist" today that my wife brought home from the hotel in Duluth, Minnesota. I took a swig right out of the bottle.... Afterwards, I felt dirty.
  5. New Song - Tribute to 9/11 Victims and Families
  6. Apparently this is a bit outdated http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/09/10/phil-davison-interview-po_n_711941.html
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPENzKOmOl0&feature=related
  8. Watch the original Darth Maul show off how it's done. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bajj52BWgBc&feature=related
  9. Bad idea. He's evil and he hates Republicans :p
  10. Great night. I've got some video. I'll try and cobble something together this weekend.
  11. Congrats to Wazz-Rogers. We've picked you as the winner!! See Shaw for your prize!!
  12. Hmmmm... "Things to do when someone attempts to break into home" 1. Tweet it 2. Alert Police 3. Tweet results
  13. Count on Shaw to break the cycle of hate
  14. http://godsmovie.com/blog1/2010/08/04/sean-hannity-not-a-true-conservative/
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