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Everything posted by Jasko_Denew

  1. Thanks. I got mine today and can't put it down!!
  2. Thx dude. I'm gonna use that store to sell Band merch as well, since we don't really make a ton of money at gigs right now.
  3. While it may not be a big deal to most, I've finally managed to get a full album of mostly original music on sale. It's a major step for me and hopefully the start of good things to come! Next stop....iTunes perhaps? My Store
  4. Ya, I'll check it out. The writers alone are enough to make it worth a look. I've been wrong before, but my hopes are not high.
  5. I know the mining disaster in West Virginia is tragic, but because it's Fox News, I'll let it slide. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/04/05/h...x_n_526395.html
  6. Heh, yer generous. I say it won't make it past the pilot episode. A SW Drama series, now THAT I would tune in to see.
  7. Yea....it's official! http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol...icle7089343.ece
  8. I heard the cheap 3d conversion is a joke as well
  9. I'm a die hard apple fan, but I have no interest in this unit at this time.
  10. Naw, they just didn't want him wasting all that expensive rum
  11. I'M JASKO DENEW....AND I APPROVED THIS MESSAGE!! I've had to visit mental hospitals on two occasions where a loved one took a straight razor to their wrists. I don't know if suicide was the intent, but both cases were cries for attention at the very least. Those individuals got no love from me.
  12. WOWZA....And here I was thinking that my classes for self defense against fresh fruit were intense...
  13. So who is this Vork guy anyway? Sorry, but I'm not really up with the "in" crowd because I like to keep on the lo down no doubt!
  14. No Astrus, Your political career is pretty much over. :-p
  15. I have 8 or 9 done and another just needs vocals. I have to get them uploaded.
  16. I knew the accent was off
  17. OMG OMG I made the list too. Li Ka-shing is Hong Kongian for Jasko.
  18. Wait a sec.... Astrus..... You're a black guy?? o.O Nah seriously, that's cool stuff man. Awesome awesome awesome.
  19. VRRRROOOOOMMMMMMMGOBACKTOAFRICAOOOOOMMMMMMMMM ROFL Even if it was lifted from a Will Ferrell scene.
  20. So I wrote a song and submitted it to several websites. Garageband, a site I've submitted songs to for some time now voted it track of the day!! You can click the graphic to listen!! It didn't score very high overall, but Garageband is known to be a very tough crowd. That being said, I'm still proud of what it accomplished.
  21. So she's suing E-trade for 100 million dollars because they used the name "Lindsey" in one of their commercials (and referered to this Lindsey as a Milk-a-holic) and she assumes they are referring to her because as she puts it, "I am recognizable by my first name". This sets a very dangerous precedent.... I'm thinking of calling my lawyer and suing New Line Cinema for 100 gajillion for all the times they portrayed me wearing a hockey mask and slaughtering camp counselors...
  22. Buy some cake for yourself he says. I'll never understand those Norweigans..... Uh oh....my wife IS Norweigan.. That explains so much! Happy B-Day Zhiv!!!
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