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Everything posted by Mazull

  1. EPIC stop sign in Korea I got to play with a missile launcher what the hell were they thinking. thats the Ausies for ya.
  2. This is were i got the WARHAWK from Point and order. I have always said this. My bed. Last but not least real life transformers.
  3. All i can say is http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1810099036/trailer
  4. fricken epic all i can say is i wish i was paid with drawings of spiders.
  5. The garammer and spelling my not be the best but the story is there hope you guys like it. Based off a hero from the game City of heros. Mazull > From the eyes of suicidearmy) > > > New to Jagged Legion, I have seen many things good and >bad but nothing will prepare me for things to come. >For I know that there is an evil beyond anything I have >ever imagined ahead of us. > It has always been there, watching us, when we fight the >constant attacks of villians. It has always been there, > when we were locking Beef Cake in the bathroom after >he's been in there awhile. > We all feel it we, know it's coming. > The question is are we prapared for those things to >come? > > > > (Part 1) > > Well, it was Thursday night and we were all doing >different things. > Beef Cake was in Recluse's Victory, tearing it up >looking for some shiny metal thing. > Loridai was pounding on some poor guy that challenged >her, poor guy. And I believe I was with Lazulie, Pro >Zack, and Miss Moonlight at the time, beatin' the hell >out of some of the Circle of Thorns. > Those [censored] really piss me off sometimes. > Always capturing people, thinking they can do some kinda >spell to defeat us, but it usally ends up with them >seeing us, and us pounding their faces in. > Anyways, we all got this feeling that we needed to go to >Recluse's Victory. > So we all formed up with Beef Cake. We were really >wondering why we were there, but all we know is that we >needed to be here. > So we're looking around and the ground started to shake >as bright, red lighting flew from the ground. > It got really loud, I mean really loud. I couldn't even >hear myself speak and then boom. > It got quiet, not one sound. It was really, really >deathly quiet. And then BOOM!! All hell broke loose. We >all flew back and were hurt > pretty badly. There were villians everywhere; Circle of >Thorns, Outcasts, Trolls, Rikti, Arachnos... I mean all >of them. The sky was darkened with them. > I'll admit I was scared off my [censored] becasue the >hospital Reclamator was down so when you're defeated out >here you're done. >Finished. > Dead. > Anyways, a group of Rikti come in and quickly tried >putting us to sleep but I burst my spines up, formed some >in my hand, threw them with quick speed and... Nothing?! > I didnt even hurt it. > I was getting really pissed, I turn behind me and none >of us were doing damage to anything. What the hell was >happening?! > Then we started falling. First was Lazulie. Then >Moonlight. Oh, my god, what is happening?! > Pro Zack was next as a werewolf pounced on him. > Oh, god, not Loridai. Please, god, no! > I turned around and, oh man, Beef is awesome. He was >holding of 20 of them! But finally, they took him down >too. > As I stood there, alone, all of the sudden untouched, >watching my friends die before me, I wept as I tried and >tried to kill those [censored] that killed my friends. > And, in the middle off all my rage, frustration, and >sadness, > I woke up in my bedroom with sweat and tears on my face. >Whew, it was only a dream. Or was it things to come? > > (to be conitueed) > > > Part 2 > "...When you think you'll lose, you've already lost. >When you think you've won, you're victorious..." > > The next day, when I told Pro Zack about my dream, he >patted me on the back and said, "Hey buddy, it was just a >dream. Relax. I'm going to El Super Mexicano in a few, >want anything?" I was so not hungry, so I declined, but >thanked him for the offer. Pro Zack left the base with a >wave. > > So the only two people left in the base were Lazaloo and >myself. She was floating in the air, mumbling something, >as I plopped down in a chair across the room. I started >dozing off when the Com went off. It was the Beef man! He >was having trouble, and let me just say for the record, >if Beef Cake says he's having trouble, that means its >bad. I quickly woke Laz, although I think she was a bit >annoyed by it. The smack she gave me might have something >to do with it, maybe? > > The problem was in Peregrine Island. A Quarry was lured >to and was attacking rookie heroes near the ferry. Beef >Cake was hurting a little; Laz knew right away. She ran >in and with a wave of her hand, Beef Cake was completely >healed. Even the wear and tear on his clothes had been >mended. Everytime I see that, it boggles my mind. I mean, >I have my own regen healing powers, but it has its limits >and it only affects me. Hers, on the other hand, sometime >seems limitless. > > Well, I wanted to get in the battle already, so I >focused my senses as spines burst out all over my body >and a long sharp spine coming out of each arm. I look >over at Beef Cake. Oh sweet! He was doing my favorite >attack of his, the one where he twirls his arm. When he >made contact with the Quarry, there was a loud crack and >the monster was airborne. When it landed, it made a huge >crater. > > I smiled and said, "Oh yeah, Beef! Watch this!" I ran up >the Quarry's body, did a backflip and slammed my spines >home. And again, the monster was airborne. Beef chuckled >as he looked at me, I saw the familiar smirk, as he said >"That's nothin!" He then slammed his foot on the ground >and the Quarry went flying for the third time. Finally, >Laz came up to us and smacked us both on the behind, and >said, "Alright boys! Can we have this pissing contest >another time? It's time we finished this..." > > Beef and I look at each other, smiled and agreed. Laz >finally cracked a smile, as she said, "Hey Sui, time for >a powerup!." She touched my wrist with her hands (which >were now glowing) and I instantly felt like a million >bucks. My spine started glowing red and I felt raw power >inside, wanting to be let loose. I looked at Beef Cake >and asked him if he was ready. He chuckled again, >muttered something about being born ready, and we both >went in. Five minutes later, the three of us were looking >down at a pile of rubble in victory, so we decided to >celebrate at Pocket D. But alas, as soon as we were about >to head out, the Com went off. It was Miss Moonlight! > > "Guys!! He's out here in Recluse's Victory!! And he's >attacking everything and everyone in sight! Icebox, Dyre >Knight, and Jason the X are already engaged in keeping >the innocent alive but we need more help!!. I've >contacted Pro Zack, Choseone and Mig. They are already on >their way, so get your butts over here, pronto! > > *sigh* a Heroes job is never done...what was that quote >Romatohm said?...oh yeah...A Hero Does as Hero Should... > > (to be continued) > > > Part 3 > > > > (To be or not to be, that is the ultimate question) > > > > > > The disturbance was form a bunch of villians of the >stalker and brute types. They had been attacking the hero >pillboxes. After several attacks and defeats the villians >were thinning in numbers. As my supergroup arrived at the >final pillbox, the last of the villians were putting up a >good stand. As the rest of my team were engageing a brute >in rock form, I felt a presence behind me. I turned >around and there was the most beuatiful woman i had ever >seen. She smiled and waved both her hands towards me. All >at once, I was in love with her and I would do anything >to be with her even for a sliver of time. The team >approached her, ready to attack her. Why??? I cant let >this happen! She hasnt done anything wrong. So i did the >one thing I thought I would never do. I stood in front of >her, ready to attack my own super group. Pro Zack looked >at me angrily and said, "Sui get your [censored] out of >the way, she is a villian. A dominator type." "LIES!!! >she innocent!" I scream back. > Icebox looks at Pro Zack and says, "Damnit, dude, Sui is >confused under her spell!" All Pro Zack could say was >"[censored]!!!" I was about to charge in with all my >fury, as the woman behind me smiled waved and left. But >Beefcake was there like a flash grabbing me in a great >big bear hug and sqeezing me, saying over and over again, >"Calm down little buddy, no one here is going to hurt >you." I was getting out of control, spines going >everywhere. Pro Zack made the decision that I was a >greater risk then the woman, which just upset me even >more. Pro Zack screamed at Laz and Moonlight get over >here. "Girls, quick!" They came up in front of me on each >side. I was screaming at them not to touch me. To get >away. Then the girls started glowing, getting closer and >closer. I tried to get away and fought Beefcakes embrace, >but he kept his grip with ease. Then with a sudden >release, I flew foward. Moonlight and Laz caught me, >still glowing. They both hugged me and in my mind all I > heard was, "Its alright Sui, we're here." And then I saw >everthing thing like I had a new sight. I saw it so >clearly. "Oh God! What have I done? How can they trust me >now?" And then darkness........ > > "Blake........ Blake Mathews........" I started >stirring. It was my sister, Sue (later to be known as >Hard Rock Sue). I had worked late last night for the >Suicide Squad Division of the Paragon Police Deparment >for almost certain death missions. This was a squad for >heros with lower powers. What I had was a fast >regeneration rate. I got up, kicked my sister out of my >room and started getting my uniform on and man I love my >beret! I always thought it looked good on me. I was >getting ready for a raid tonight on a Crey base that was >heavily fortified. It was a solo mission. Simple. Get in >get intel and get out, then report. Well, I got there, >saw only 1 guard and thought almost immediately that >something was wrong, but I ignored it. Being the *bad word*y >youngster I was, I got in the base with ease and smiled, >"This'll be easy." All of a sudden, all the lights came >on and I was surrounded by about 50 Crey. There was no >way I was getting out of here alive. "So, I'll go down >fighting." > I thought to myself. I got into my stance then i heard a >whisper, very faint, saying "There is no need to fight >Mr. Mathews. We dont want you dead yet." Then bam!!! I >was frozen in place. Shot by one of those icey crey >pistols. "We have you now, Mr. Mathews. Oh, by the way, >you were turned in by your on squad." BETRAYED!!! > > They had me laid out in a capsule the whole time. All I >can think of is revenge to the Suicide Squad. That was my >drive, that was my will power, that is what kept me from >screaming from the hours upon hours of testing the crey >were giving me. Then they started pouring poison gas into >my capsule. I would choke, gag vomit, and pass out. But >my regenaration powers kept me alive every time. They >were done. They had picked me up, taken some blood, >sprayed me down and threw me back in the capsule. This >went on for 6 mounths. My body became immune to the >poison and started producing its own. The next day, the >regular routine on me continued, but something was >different. It hurt, not my breathing, not my eyes, but my >whole body. My skin was burning like nothing I had ever >felt before. It felt like something trying to get out of >me. Trying to poke out of my skin. And then it happened. >Poison spines burst from my body, over and over again. >Going everywere. They went into to the > machines, destroying them. Suddenly, they went into the >Crey employees, killing them instanly. A few of the >armored gaurds came in, loaded to the teeth, but there >was no stopping these spines. These spines were hungry >and they wanted revenge. I was shot with a crey pistol >and the ice started forming over me. "Not this time >punk." I screamed as I broke free. A long spine in each >arm grew out like long swords. Some even formed in my >hands, like darts. I threw some at the man who had shot >me. He died instanly without even a grunt. The other 3 >tried to form up on me, but I took two more out easily. >The last one charged at me. I did a backflip and sliced >him in two. I looked around at what I had done and >laughed like a mad man. Then as quick as they had come >out, the spines withdrew. The pain was so intense that I >passed out. > > > Sui... Suicidearmy... I awoke with a sudden slap to the >face. It was Dar Kin. He told me that the base had been >attacked by Captain Mako and Ghost Widow. Everyone was >fine and gave chase. I looked around and the base it was >in ruins. Even my favorite chair was in pieces. Dar Kin >said, "It is time to go, Sui." I nodded and we headed out >for yet another battle. > > (to be continued) > > > PART 4 > > > ( I was blind but now I see… ) > > > > Dar-kin and I had arrived in the heat of the battle. >They were all > fighting > Captain Mako, Ghost Widow was no were in sight, and then >my comm went > off. > It was my sister. > > “…ksssssk…Sui…kssssssk need help… kssssskk No way I can >hold them! > Kssssssssssk.” I left the battle without telling a soul. >It was my > sister > who was in trouble. I arrived in the hollows near a cave >and saw my > sister. > I asked her what was wrong, but she only looked at me, >gave me a hug, > and > then pointed around the cave. It was Lord Recluse >himself!!! Oh, how > I > hated this villain of all villains. > > Sue looked at me and said, “Let’s go get him big >brother.” > > I agreed. > > We ran in towards him and as soon as he saw us all he >did was smile and > say, > “Everyone welcome the Mathew’s family.” > > Sue and I quickly dispatched of Recluse’s minions and >came face to face > with > him. He was laughing and quick like lightning he >destroyed my comm > set. He > chuckled again, “No need for that. I don’t think you’ll >be leaving > here, > Suicide Army!!!” He came in upon us, quickly throwing >Sue 50 feet > before > she could even respond. Oh how that angered me. I burst >my spines and > charged. We went back and forward several times until >finally he > stopped me > by a double uppercut. It was like being hit by a >building. As I laid > there > injured Recluse came down with the final stroke but Sue >was there!! In > granite form. > > Lord Recluse’s robotic arm just made a screeching noise >as it came down > on > her chest and then Recluse started getting mad. He was >feverishly > attacking > Sue, breaking pieces away from her bit by bit. > > “I know there is a soft spot under all of this!!” >growled Recluse. > > Sue looked down to me, smiled, and took her com off. >Then she slapped > it on > my wrist. I started crying and kept saying, “No, no, no, >no… Just give > me a > sec. I’ll be fine.” But I knew that wasn’t true. > > Sue said, “Hey big brother, it was fun and I love you >but my time is > over. > I will always be in you heart. Tell Myst that she was >right.” Then > she > laughed, “..and tell Lori nanner nanner…she never got >me.” With that > she > pushed the emergency teleport button on the wrist com. I >screamed with > sadness. > > 5... > She grabbed Lord Recluse and forced him back. “Go >Sue!!!” > > 4..... > She uppercuts him and he falls back. > > 3...... > Oh no, Ghost Widow is here in the shadows. > > 2...... > Ghost Widow grabs Sue with the souls of the dead, >lifting her in the > air. > Recluse was laughing like a mad man… > > 1…. > “I…I love you big brother. I loved you all…” > > Recluse came down on her with the finale stroke. I >teleport. I came > back > into the base crying. No one was here. Sirens were going >off all over > the > place. What the hell was going on?? But I didn’t care… >My sister > just > died for me. > > Why for me? > > I passed out... I awoke in a Crey capsule. Oh god not >again!!! > > > > ( To be continued… ) > > > (The Long Wait) > > > Part 5 > > > > > I awoke in the crey capsule or what i thought was the >crey capsule. > What it really was, was a med bed new the the paragon >hosptial. > News got around fast about my sister and there were alot >of heros gatherd for her funeral. > I even got a phone call from statesman pfff like that >ment anything to me at the moment. > All i wanted was one thing REVENGE to recluse and all >his lackys. > I left the hosptial after throwing all the stupid cards >and flowers away. > Im no sap. > It wasnt hard to follow Recluses backtrail he left >minion at every stop. > Which was okay with me i needed some good old fashion >killing. > I was tired of playing goodie goodie and watching >friends die. > Now they pay. > I went into a group of ten archnos killing five quickly >by throwing spines towards there necks one came untop of >me i stabed him in the gut and pushed down. > But my hunger wasnt done oh no not by far. >Four left i smiled whch one of you dies first. > Three came at me one ran. > I jumped at two of them sliceing them in half threw >spines ant the runner knocked him down dead. > Now theres one left i had time to play. > I beat him from a inch from life while questioning him >on got the information i needed. > I now know were Recluse is. > He will pay. > I head out towards his bas killing sevral of his >servents on my way. > I brake in destroy his gaurds. > Now nothing in the way of him and me. > We lock eyes > He grins. > Looks like this fight has been long awatied eh Mr. >Mathews > We start running towards each other my spines at the >ready his extra arms at the ready. > Let the fight begin. > > > (To Be Continued) > > >
  6. You get your time machine but it only takes you back to the time you said i wish i had a time machine. I wish i owned a coffee company.
  7. Your hair does grow out but at such a fast pace that you look like cousin it. I wish i had a cupcake with cream filling.
  8. You get your buttered toast only to find it the bread is moldy and the butter is some how breathing. I wish i had a brand new Mustang.
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