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Everything posted by mmchardy

  1. NOOOOOOO~!!! that Umbrella was SAWEEET!!! Frigging wasteful Foreign Rednecks, Just as bad as our Rednecks here.... Uhm .. Wait this just In... It seems as though I am being called a Hypocrite , apparently in 1988 I attempted to use Oxy-Nitro Boosters to Launch an 1970's pinto across a Gorge in UPstate new york . oh the shame
  2. Nice Review of the game, Good score as well Check IT..... Here
  3. In opening, you simply put forth more asinine comments and childish innuendo, then you get into a political discussion by saying you disagree with his Policies, then say you were not looking for a political debate. Well when you make political commentary, and pose examples you indeed are IN one. What I commented about was the Obvious flaws in the story, one no U.S. Federal Agency would call a local Police force it would undermine Security in that it would reveal a source of information. It seems like another way of finding something to bludgeon a point home that is unsubstantial, yet has proven effective.
  4. 1 . where did you get the 3 Trillion dollar Figure from : That is an Improbable number to spend in one Presidential term : prove your sources 2. Immigration Reform : NO president has made ANY progress on that since 1942 3. Closing Gitmo : Campaign Promise ; well DUH it's a campaign Promise, the realities of closing Guantanamo Bay makes that promise Null, also OH NO a Politician that does not deliver on a Campaign promise HOW SHOCKING . 4. Public Education? What ? Can you be any more Vague , If you mean allocating funds ($100B) to Keep inner city Libraries open, to add upgrades to schools and repairs to others, something he promised an proposed back in 2008 and then delivered in the from of Early Childhood Education spending, his proposal to Make school days longer and Vacation months shorter (like the rest of the world) yeah he dropped the ball there. 5. Friendly congress? Really he came in a pissed off Democrats by not kissing their butts, and then the Republicans Just WERE dead set on saying NO on day one to EVERYTHING he offered. 6. Military Reduction : We have the most modern military in the world, We don't need a huge standing army , we have unparalleled force projection. He has not Reduced anything in Afghanistan, or did you forget he added troops to that fight, he has stepped up Drone and other unmanned recon devices. He has reduced the budget to focus spending on FAT projects like buying 1000 Next Generation Fighter planes, and just a FEW TO MAKE SURE WE DON'T have another OSPREY issue, or the F-22 problems and we spent Billions Buying them, then paid Billions more to have them Fixed by the people who messed them up. 7. Health care : making the point that All people SHOULD have Health insurance , is not meant as a "Car insurance thing" but as "RIGHT" that people should have access to affordable and extensive health care, Granted there are some parts that may infringe on the states ability to govern itself and it would cause strain to budgets, but the cost is much higher to control the problems of High blood pressure, Heart Attacks, Diabetes, High cholesterol, Obesity, all those conditions preventable by routine health checkups ,something almost 40 million people do not have access to and therefore it goes untreated until it becomes a serious problem. 8. Wall street Reform : Why ? Seriously ? Here is Why , When a broker or marginal Buyer is able to influence the the price of stocks that causes a conflict of interest , now add the idea of speculative trading, and one has the chance of creating artificial Bubbles in the markets. (Housing Bubble, .com , Oil over $140 a barrel while there is an Oil surplus) is that not enough reason that there has to be reform to make sure those abuses don't push future economies to where we are now, or even over the edge. Like I said Before every time I hear that "His policies stink" thing I never hear anything new or specific just vague commentary and vapor substantive "evidence"
  5. Indeed they love those guys and no matter how many times they show "PART of" a speech or comment and take it out of context to spread fear , and then get busted by people that play the ENTIRE video clip and expose them , they still trust these jokers as HONEST and FAIR and Balanced. Then on the Other Side you have the MSNBC crowd that likes to shoot sunshine so much it's sickening. I prefer CNN or Just researching my own facts this way I get real Facts not Biased to one side or another.
  6. What "policies" in particular do you not like ? I hear that one alot and HAVE YET to find an answer that is little more that Parrot Commentary.
  7. I do notice something alright . This is indeed a farce http://gizmodo.com/5637203/drunk-email-to-obama-gets-british-teen-banned-from-america-for-life?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+gizmodo/full+%28Gizmodo%29&utm_content=Google+Reader Retraction by Gizmodo. Just more Hate Mongering to incite the Slow witted masses ready to scream Fascist Obama or Ugly American at the slightest hint of scandal. The country has so many real problems and issues, making stuff up and starting stupid rumors like children is all the opposition can Do. Sadly it's working no matter how false the comments and scandals are. In November when they get their way and we are even worse off later, we shall see.
  8. So has this been verified as True, or is this just some Rumor. It says FEDS told British Police. Clue number one, the U.S. Federal Government does not speak to local police , they speak to British security agencies like Scotland Yard or M.I. 5. Also they won't dispatch local police to his home, they would instead have brought him in for questioning to see if he was a threat , and only if the statements were of an immediate threat (or sounded like they were) This one is a Hoax, I put the Onion up to this one. I must find out more on this one and see how far it goes.
  9. I was doing Lab work Last night. *tear* Looks like you all had a Good Old time.
  10. Here is My Entry Cant fix the ears or the smile , but there ya go BONUS - Papa Smurf
  11. Great Video. Tyranny is not imposed at the end of a gun, but with a pause and a period at the end of a thought. One can feed the mind , tired from being angry, tired from being sacred with whatever they want with patient paced words tinged with personal. targeted urgency. It is sad that we see the evil in a person (supposedly) because they look different , in skin or eye or hair. Or they bend their backs and knees to God in a different way, or call Him , unlike the people we are comfortable with do. Tyranny is imposed, willing by the masses as they spread it from man to woman to child , from school to Church to the workplace like some insidious fog, spread so thick on the minds of many it seems to be truthful only by proliferation , education is ignored thus. Ignorance by repetition , say it enough times and it rings in the mind like a melody that will poison you, make you mad (if you let it) True tyranny, shuns the possibility of dissent by tugging at the sacrosanct , and we as puppets from childhood dance still as those thin wires are made unto cables pulling at our hearts. Invoke the idea that GOD, or Mom, or our Children are being attacked and we hear only the static and see red as we attack with blinders on, heads down eyes closed following a path laid by those would would guide us like sheep, and in our wake truth and understanding is left by the wayside broken and seen as a lie only because it buckled under the onslaught of unending insanity tinged with banality, dressed up in the flag and moms makeup.
  12. Information Technology : Systems Management / Security it's a 2 year degree, then I intend to move on to my Bachelors in Information Management and then finally if the bug still is in me, my masters in Informational Security and Computer Forensics.
  13. Will be on a little less for a while, Heading back to school after taking 20 years off. gotta get back into the Classroom Learning mode. Lots of Pre-Requisites keeping me busy , I will be on as much as I can but Family and School are numbers 1&2 right now. I'll be on sometime to move mt Alts to the ALT fleet and My Klingon into Klingon Fleet
  14. Yeah That is EXACTLY what this is. The American Ultimate Athlete (ninja) is due out soon. This shows success is indeed a product of a down economy. But My goodness it's Hilarious, sometimes the neck injuries make me Shudder.
  15. I have gone place where there is no 3g service in AT&T and aside for the time I went out deep into the woods in Colorado I always had Phone Service , I stay to Main urban areas a lot even when I Travel, and overseas their international rates and service is PHENOMENAL, SO much better than it is here in the states. I used my Mobile phone as a web cam and modem at the same time and was still able to send text messages when I was in London. Verizon does indeed have a better 3g network than AT&T but Dropped calls in 6 years 12 countries 47 states hundreds of cities and towns I have not had one that was not because my battery died.
  16. WASHINGTON – Owners of the iPhone will be able to legally unlock their devices so they can run software applications that haven't been approved by Apple Inc., according to new government rules announced Monday. The decision to allow the practice commonly known as "jailbreaking" is one of a handful of new exemptions from a 1998 federal law that prohibits people from bypassing technical measures that companies put on their products to prevent unauthorized use of copyright-protected material. The Library of Congress, which oversees the Copyright Office, reviews and authorizes exemptions every three years to ensure that the law does not prevent certain non-infringing uses of copyright-protected works. More info Here Basically if you have a cellphone and want to "TAKE it With you" when you leave your provider , you may void your warranty but now you wont lose your service or face a lawsuit. WOO HOO. Take that AT&T and Verizon . I will be getting that Android and using it on my AT&T now. WOOOHOOO
  17. dude I so gotta get that Bat'leth
  18. Uhm Can I be forgiven for Screaming like a little Girl ? This was Awesome. YAY!!!!! Bout Frakking time.
  19. What is truly Scary is the Knee Jerk Reactions at the upper levels of government. How Touchy they have become and how in order to avoid a possible scandal, they can me maneuvered into taking action that is based on fear and not reasoning. What if this was a manufactured story about false troop movements by a unfriendly nation, such a knee jerk reaction could be disastrous and costly in terms of lives lost, or even Warfare escalation. So many of us become so volatile at any attack (or semblance thereof)on our person or ideals that we react without thought or consideration of logic , an that makes us gullible and as dangerous as those who would capitalize on that tendency. This should teach a lesson to those who would detract any group for their improprieties, of facts and judgment. This is a wake-up call on the tactics of FAUX news and those that support it blindly
  20. Wow that was time I will never get back, and now I need to bleach my eyes.
  21. I'm kinda new to UFC , but I like it so far. I may watch it that much more.
  22. UH, You need to stop Calling me when I am in the Tub Drinking Chardonnay and Listening to Angry Rock Music. This is my Peaceful rest time.
  23. Hey to know me is to love me (or Run from me in disgust) but that's just me being freindly so dont be afraid of my wandering hands. Born and raised in NYC. Lived in many Places from Mansions to Mud Huts in many cities from Manhattan to Melbourne. I like life and I enjoy travel so doing both for me, so I play games to stay connected rather than just to play them.

  24. Oh windows 7 How do I love thee, let me count the innumerable ways that I do.. oh wait thats too many , Uhm suffice it to say ... If windows & was a woman to me it would be a 6ft tall Asian woman with red hair Green Eyes, loves Video games,Working out , Sci fi and comic Books. Also she must have a permiscuous Twin sister (Windows Server 2008 r2) MMM I.T. PR0n
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