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CU being pushed to live in 24 hours


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CU coding is being pushed to live tomorrow and the servers will be up the day after that. Today will be the last day in game before CU. That means that the tourney will more than likely be postoned for awhile while we all adjust to the new system.


Also, i recomend that you all catalog all your items/weapons/armor and anything else you care about. The conversion process has been buggy to say the least, and you could end up w/ a nice weapon/piece of armor that ends up sub par after the conversion.


I also have no idea if you can respec more than once or not. I advise that you all get on TC and try out a new template. The CU going live was sprung on us by the devs. The correspondents didn't even know about it. Also, many professions are still bugged and not working the way they should. My only advice is to avoid the respec process as long as you can. I'm not even logging in my main until things settle down, and the professions get their fixes.

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aye i read that the other day and have been thinking about it. the only thing i wanted was my jedi and with CU now coming. everything is goin to be buggy for along time like when game launch.... so i have canceled my accounts slip runs out tomorrow and mosish on the 19 ill be on mosish every now and then to see how things are if im disappointed im goin to go back to WOW with my RL best bud. and if any of you ever want to come over and play im on cenarius. i can help you out some ive got a 38 mage named abberry. so yea ill cya in game later this week. later yall.

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