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The greatest mystery in the world


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I've been thinking about it.


Germany rules. They make exquisite *crap*. A few examples: BMW cars, Mercedes cars, Porsches, H&K pistols .. the list goes on and on.


They invented the Dielsel Engine and basically spearheaded modern submarine and mech. infantry warfare. They all around rule.



Then they start wars.

Ok, lets set this straight right now. I am not in favor of nor do I defend the nazi war machine that blighted Europe in teh 20s century. The nazi's where very bad people and deserved to lose. Hitler can go *screw* himself.


Ok, that out of the way. How do they keep losing? They lost WW1 and WW2 .... I'm not very good with European history but have they won any? AT ALL?


Then you have England. To quote Dennis Farina from the Movie Snatch: " England, yes England. Bad food, worse weather, Mary *screw*in' Poppins. England."


British cars suck, I cant think of a single English rifle or pistol worth having ... they're all around Exceptional at mediocrity. Hell even the French make better aircraft.

Yet they win wars. HOW?


I am so confused by this. Perhaps I just have a poor perspective being american and all.. could someone explain this too me cause I just cant *screw*ing figure it out.

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Yeah they didnt win WW2 but if you look at the history books, you'll soon see that Germany and the Nazis fought off most of all the countries in the world pretty much by them selves.

they managed to keep theyre country protected and invade other countries including Russia.

It wasnt until Hitler started to lose his mind that things went bad for Germany. So w/ that I'd say given the circumstances Germany ruled WW2 they kicked *butt*. (Mind you, what they did I dont agree with) but to my knowledge they havent won a war... but theyve do bloody good in one, which ever side theyre on.


Go Germany :) woot


As for the English... :P

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England: Bah! Bunch of idiots who like to drink tea all day. My ancestors in Ireland could've whupped them countless times, if England hadn't had that problem of always getting invaded by barbarians (Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Vikings, Normans, the House of Windsor, Madonna).

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The british did very well against the Germans during the battle for brittan. The german airplanes out numbered them 10 to 1 and they still kicked butt.


The british also did very good in Africa. They soundly defeated Romell.


The British also defeated a much larger spanish armada in the english channel in 1588.


The british also at one point in the 1800's thru the early 20th century where the world's greatest and only super power.


The British also developed a system of government by parliament in the 1700's which most modern democrocies are based on.


There is more but I must get back to work. :(

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Technically the Britts kicked the italians *butt* in Africa. When Romell came he proceeded to start thrashing them. Only after some time of basically zero supply and reenforcement did the Britts start pushing him and then it was always an organized withdrawl. Romell was a true bad mother *screw*er. He even hated hitler, which makes him twice as awsome.


The battle of Brittian the Britts won because Hitler decided it wasn't working overruling his generals opinions and resuming bombing london and such.



But the rest I agree with. Which furthers my question of why do they winso much? They're freaking BRITISH!!!! THEY PLAY CRICKET FOR GODS SAKE!

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Well britain had the very best navy, and always have. So they had the seas covered and made an invasion of England impossible.


You also can't really ask how they won the war, you have to ask how the Germans lost it. Towards the end of the war Hitler was hit hard by Parkinsons. He had it for awhile, but it got really bad at the end of the war and he started losing his mind and making horrible decisions. He stopped listening to his generals.


Also, combine this w/ the fact that fresh American troops started to play a part after pearl harbor. Also Russia was throwing tons of people out there. They just used their superior numbers to their advantage.


You can't really say England won the war, they just survived it and happened to be on the winning team

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Well britain had the very best navy, and always have. So they had the seas covered and made an invasion of England impossible.


You also can't really ask how they won the war, you have to ask how the Germans lost it. Towards the end of the war Hitler was hit hard by Parkinsons. He had it for awhile, but it got really bad at the end of the war and he started losing his mind and making horrible decisions. He stopped listening to his generals.


Also, combine this w/ the fact that fresh American troops started to play a part after pearl harbor. Also Russia was throwing tons of people out there. They just used their superior numbers to their advantage.


You can't really say England won the war, they just survived it and happened to be on the winning team




that is a good way to look at it

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i belive someone sai that there are no good brit planes or guns, but i definatly wouldnt mind haveing and enfield rifle for hunting


and about the planes

Spitfire > BF-109 any day


although the bloody brits cant survive for 2 years in a war without our revolutionary asses commin to save em hehe

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Ok, I loathe the english, like every good scotsman should :P But theres a time and a place for all that, and this would be a time to defend ol' king and country I guess eh?


1)Spitfires own ALL.

2)We invented the book on makind kick arse combat planes (yanks are going into using single engined airpanes, MISTAKE. The RAF and RCAF will only use 2 engined combat airplanes, if number one fails, you got a number two :) )

3)Even if the nazis suceeded in invading, the english had black ops teams that would have made control IM-figgin-POSABLE. imagine the game freedom fighters, only nation-wide, and alot more killing. :blink: )


couple more I wanted to list but its 1am here lol...

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