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Everything posted by N80926

  1. N80926 is a piper archer. Does not belong to me (i wish, im not in airplane ownership money) but it is the airplane i did my first solo in back in 2007! I also taught in it as a CFI for 4 years.
  2. Good evening everyone. I'm new here! Working through the instructions of Joining and that means introducing myself! Not sure what to say... I've been playing Star Citizen for a grand and glorious 3 days or so, I know it's a work in progress (and there has been many bitter jokes on the subject) but I think it's amazing already for being in an open alpha. To me, it appears to deliver on a cross of promises from other space sims and combine the best of what things like Elite Dangerous, No Man's Sky, and parts of Eve promised, and I'm very hopeful for its continued success and development. I think being part of a well-established active community will very much lend to the experience and fun this game has to offer and I'm really looking forward to learning the ropes and doing amazing space stuff with you all!! I figure i'll start with resource acquisition while I learn dogfight and the nuances of ground combat then transition to that when my skill level is appropriate. While still enjoying the "care bear" stuff when im looking for a more chill expirience. Uh aside from that, I'm a Corporate Pilot in real life. I fly an airplane called the Global 6000. It is the competition to the infamous "G6" and just as "fly". I love gaming but I also have some real-life hobbies that take me away from the digital world at random. Mostly hiking, travel, and scuba. So yeah, that's me in a nutshell. Ask me anything! Look forward to seeing you in the 'verse.
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