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Posts posted by Jasko_Denew

  1. I wonder how it would look with the Both and quote in an arc above the moon. And possibly move the time/date/location text down in one of the corners?


    I can't change the band logo, dude :) It's not my band.

  2. Hey guys,


    Just wanted to share with you a new and for my band I'm working on. The characters in it are temporary until I get band photos, but you should get the idea. Let me know what you think.



  3. You will all be happy to know that Chase Masterson herself LOVED the video so much, she tweeted the link to all her followers! She said to thank you all TONS. :)


    Also: This tweet from Jame Kerwin (Chase's partner and the Director of "Yesterday was a Lie.") : "Nice... something about Dabo inspires people to break out into song, doesn't it! I smell a musical here somewhere"


    A Tweet from Larry Nemecek: (Star Trek guru and author of "Star Trek: TNG Companion") : "RT @jameskerwin: @TerilynnS @ChaseMasterson "Da-bo! Da-bo!--A hell of a game. Is it all in the spin, or is it really the dames?""


    If you're on Twitter - follow them!






    That's awesome Teri! Thanks for that update

  4. This is just silly *crap* right here.


    NC has a tight race for congress between Renee Elmers (Rep) and incumbent, Bob Etheridge (Dem). Elmers looked to have pulled out an upset win on election night winning by 2099 votes, putting her just over the 1% margin needed to demand a recount.


    Well, on wednesday as ballots were still being counted, provisional ballots came in from Sampson county, Etheridge's home town. He had carried the county 1727 to 1274, a difference of 453 votes, bringing Elmers' margin of victory to 1646, just under the 1% recount rule. So Etheridge is calling for a recount. Fair enough.


    FOX news affiliate WRDU here in Raleigh, desperate to get another Tea Partier in congress, skews the information, reporting that only 453 votes came in from Sampson County, ALL FOR ETHERIDGE and that he is cheating to win his seat back and that an investigation needs to be launched at once to get him out of office.


    Source http://www.newsobserver.com/2010/11/05/782263/etheridge-can-ask-for-recount.html


    Now, don't get me wrong. If there is one Democrat I would love to see OUT of congress, it's Etheridge. He's a bully, an intimidator, he likes to attack college students, I don't care if they were Republican students or not, a simple "No Comment" would have sufficed.


    My problem is why can't Fox just report it right? Etheridge carried his home town by 453 votes. Why is that a surprise? Elmers carried Dunn, her hometown Why does that need to be investigated? They act as if Elmers didn't get any votes in Sampson, when in reality, 1274 people voted for her. Just the out and out lies and manipulation are out of control. You probably won the seat, so be happy and stop stirring crap up.

  5. You could do an all Twilight-themed party. All the vampires would just stand around on one side of the room and sparkle and refuse to bite anyone. Also, everyone would whisper sweet nothings into everyone elses ears and refuse to eat any of the food on the table.


    The werewolves would stand shirtless on the other side of the room and just tell everyone to step back and not to get them angry.


    In the middle of the room would be an innocent teenage girl who just leans back and forth between the two parties.

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