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See Something, Say Something.


Guidelines and rules aren't enough. Sanctuary of Wanderhome will always survive and thrive by the steadfastness of its valuable and most loyal members.

We all take the security of our home seriously and the “See Something Say Something” program has helped us keep our internal security fair, balanced and capable of weeding out the most malicious kinds of saboteurs and so-called ‘social engineers’. People who find more pleasure in destroying, rather than building a place to have fun, create and accomplish amazing things.

If you think you've seen something that should be brought to our the Executives attention please let us know by filling out the form below. Be as detailed as you like and remember that Sanctuary of Wanderhome is not a “good ol’ boys” club. If you think you’ve noticed something that just doesn't seem right, from ANYONE in Sanctuary of Wanderhome, let us know.

Thank you for helping us keep Sanctuary of Wanderhome a safe, fun, skillfully challenging and free from internal strife as possible!

  • This an ANONYMOUS form.
  • We will only know your identity if you give it to us below.
  • Please be as descriptive as you can while helping us with our internal affairs.

  • If possible please use their sanctuaryofwanderhome.com account name or their robertsspaceindustries.com account handle.

  • Give the dates with brief descriptions of the incidents in chronological order if you can. EXAMPLE: "10/11/2021 = The day <name> started talking much more about other orgs and their events, as if to advertise them."

  • Please provide video of the incident if you have any as it makes your claims much more identifiable. BE SURE THAT THE VIDEO IS "UNLISTED" so that it wont be put out to the public. o7

  • If you identify yourself you give the Executives the permission for @Astrus or @Shawkorrr to get in contact with you for more information as they are the only ones who can review your See Something, Say Something form.

  • If yes, please give the name of the organization along with a description as to how they were involved.

    or   All / None

    Using the drop down menu pick one of the following.

  • Please be sure to include Names, Dates, Items/Ships/Assets and anything you think would best describe the problem at hand.

IP.Board Forms by DevFuse



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